Soemoed is
het Arabische
woord voor vastberadenheid
of standvastigheid, een begrip dat in de Palestijnse gemeenschap wordt gebruikt om de strijd voor het behoud van het land en de terugkeer naar Palestina uit te drukken.



"Since July 24, Palestinian families have been receiving calls on their mobile phones from Israeli forces giving them 30 minutes to evacuate their homes before launching air strikes that demolish their houses. 'Welcome, you and your family are requested to leave home because the IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] intend to attack it. The house is used to hide warfare or terrorists', says a pre-recorded message in Arabic. (...) Palestinian families have had their homes destroyed after receiving the message, as surrounding homes are also destroyed in the process. Residents of several neighbourhoods, particularly those near Israel, have received leaflets warning their homes may be next."

Erica Silverman in al-Ahram Weekly van 3-9 augustus 2006

Verschenen in Soemoed, jaargang 34, nummer 6 (november - december 2006), p. 32

Meer over Soemoed
index Soemoed - jaargang 34, nummer 6