Fact sheet over de humanitaire situatie in Gaza.
De website Reliefweb publiceerde onlangs het volgende rapport overde humanitaire situatie in Gaza.
Since 15 June 2007, when Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, Israeli restrictions, the lack of funding and the lack of coordination between Palestinian bodies have resulted in shortages of food, medical and relief items, spare parts for critical health and water sanitation equipment, materials for humanitarian projects and raw materials for the Gaza Strip's commerce and industry. The sanctions on fuel, proposed reduction on the delivery of electricity, and further
restrictions on imports, will have additional repercussions for the
densely populated Gaza Strip. This fact sheet highlights the
humanitarian concerns in the Gaza Strip, which are increasing as a
result of these events.
Main findings:
From mid June until the end of October 2007, 400 Qassams and 510
mortars have been fired towards Israel, injuring 75 Israelis (6
civilians, including one child, and 69 IDF soldiers). During the same
period, 142 Palestinians, including 12 children, were killed and 293
were injured, including 17 children due to the Israeli-Palestinian
17.5% of patients who have requested access to East Jerusalem, Israel or abroad for emergency or chronic medical treatment have been denied permits since June 2007.
Due to the lack of spare parts, equipment of the Ministry of Health is
no longer functioning.
20% of essential drugs and 31% of essential medical supplies were at
zero availability in October 2007, while 11 out of 18 psychiatric
medications in use in primary health care facilities are unavailable
since August 2007.
The UNRWA Community Health Programme and Palestinian Centre for
Democracy and Conflict Resolution have observed a growing proportion of the population experiencing psychological symptoms.
The proportion of deaths among hospitalized neonates at Gaza's
pediatric hospitals has increased from 5.6% during the period
January-October 2006 to 6.9% during the corresponding period in 2007.
Food security:
Although critical UN humanitarian food supplies are being allowed in,
only 41% of Gaza's food import needs are currently being met.
Significant price increases and shortages of basic food commodities
have been reported in Gaza since July.
The purchasing power of the population is extremely low, resulting in
a reduction in expenditure of food and clothing.
The reduction in food expenditure resulted in reduced purchases of
meat (98%), dairy products (86%) and fruit (99%) as well as in the
quality (95%) and quantity (79%) of the food acquired.
restrictions on imports, will have additional repercussions for the
densely populated Gaza Strip. This fact sheet highlights the
humanitarian concerns in the Gaza Strip, which are increasing as a
result of these events.
Main findings:
From mid June until the end of October 2007, 400 Qassams and 510
mortars have been fired towards Israel, injuring 75 Israelis (6
civilians, including one child, and 69 IDF soldiers). During the same
period, 142 Palestinians, including 12 children, were killed and 293
were injured, including 17 children due to the Israeli-Palestinian
17.5% of patients who have requested access to East Jerusalem, Israel or abroad for emergency or chronic medical treatment have been denied permits since June 2007.
Due to the lack of spare parts, equipment of the Ministry of Health is
no longer functioning.
20% of essential drugs and 31% of essential medical supplies were at
zero availability in October 2007, while 11 out of 18 psychiatric
medications in use in primary health care facilities are unavailable
since August 2007.
The UNRWA Community Health Programme and Palestinian Centre for
Democracy and Conflict Resolution have observed a growing proportion of the population experiencing psychological symptoms.
The proportion of deaths among hospitalized neonates at Gaza's
pediatric hospitals has increased from 5.6% during the period
January-October 2006 to 6.9% during the corresponding period in 2007.
Food security:
Although critical UN humanitarian food supplies are being allowed in,
only 41% of Gaza's food import needs are currently being met.
Significant price increases and shortages of basic food commodities
have been reported in Gaza since July.
The purchasing power of the population is extremely low, resulting in
a reduction in expenditure of food and clothing.
The reduction in food expenditure resulted in reduced purchases of
meat (98%), dairy products (86%) and fruit (99%) as well as in the
quality (95%) and quantity (79%) of the food acquired.
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