De Palestijnse vlag was vroeger de vlag van de Arabische nationale beweging. In 1948 is hij tot Palestijnse vlag uitgeroepen. De kleuren gaan terug naar oude tijden: de tijd van de Profeet Mohammed (zwart), de Khawarij (rood), de Omayyaden (wit) en de Fatimiden (groen).



Mei 2012: 21 Palestijnse universiteitsstudenten gearresteerd

Volgens een bericht van UFree Network heeft Israel in de maand mei 21 Palestijnse studenten gearresteerd. Sommigen van hen studeerden in het buitenland. Hun zonde: intelligente Palestijn te zijn?

UFree Network: Israeli occupation arrests 21 university students during May 2012 

UFree Network | Media centre
UFree Network reported 21 arrests of Palestinian
university students by the Israeli occupation.
According to UFree Network's statistics, such detention did not only target students inside the occupied territories, but also other Palestinian students abroad.

UFree showed that the occupation arrested 19 students in West Bank universities, besides detaining two Palestinian sisters who were studying in Ukraine.
The statistics reported that the occupation arrested Moath Bari, Sohaib Damaa, Mohammed Mattar, Nedal Fatash, Ibrahim Fatash, Baraa Fatash, Abdulrahman Ishtia and Mohammed Tobish from Al Najah University and Bahaa Ganem, Ahmed Haliqa and Shadi Haliqa from Al Quds University.
Several days ago, the occupation arrested Mohammed Ali Tobish (26 years) from Al Najah University after storming and inspecting his house. Tobish's parents said that the occupation broke into the house at Kharsa village southern Hebron and arrested their son, who was previously detained, and they took him to an unknown place.
Israeli forces also arrested 6 students from Palestine Polytechnic University including 2 females whom are Jaber Al Rojob, Mosab Talahma, Sayaf Abu Toema and Abdullah Al Rojob, while the female students are Islam Basheti and Afnan Ramadan. In addition to Thaer Shalalda and Fayez Jabar who were arrested from Hebron University.  
Incomplete happiness
At King Hussein bridge - (Karama crossing) and during their return to West Bank, Israeli forces detained Yasmin (22 years) and Zaina (23 years) Al Tamimi after finishing their study at a medicine school in Ukraine.
The father, Najeeb Al Tamimi, said "While we are waiting their return to celebrate, the occupation turned our joy to sorrow by arresting my daughters". He also expressed his deep concern about his daughters' condition and he called upon immediate interventions by all human rights organisations.
He was amazed for such arrest, especially that his daughters spent many years studying outside Palestinian territories.
Violations of conventions
Mohammed Hamdan, UFree Network chairman, said "Israeli occupation continuing and systemised target against Palestinian students, represented in arresting, imprisoning and preventing them from travelling outside to study, shows that the occupation clearly disdains Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international conventions related to right to education"
Hamdan requested UNESCO to undertake its responsibility to release detained students from Israeli prisons. 

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