De Palestijnse vlag was vroeger de vlag van de Arabische nationale beweging. In 1948 is hij tot Palestijnse vlag uitgeroepen. De kleuren gaan terug naar oude tijden: de tijd van de Profeet Mohammed (zwart), de Khawarij (rood), de Omayyaden (wit) en de Fatimiden (groen).



Luisa Morgantini gearresteerd in Israel

Ms . Morgantini participated in a peaceful protest in Bil'in Against the Wall , West Bank. She was released after one hour . Until last elections Luisa Morgantini was vice president of the European Parliament .

Cecilia Gentil ( Google translation )


WEST BANK - Morgantini , Former Vice President of the European Parliament , was stopped by the army to Be'lin Israelis in the West Bank , 17 kilometers from Ramallah , while taking part in a peaceful demonstration Against the separation wall . Five activists or with re Togethjer Various NATIONALITIES Were arrested . One person was in a wheelchair . Morgantini was released after an hour .

From What I Could See the protesters , Among Whom Were activists from the Israeli left , Were still in the initial protest of the Organization When The Soldiers dispersed the demonstrators , using tear gas. " I was beaten up by soldiers Carrying sticks Said Morgantini.


Every Friday since 2005 the inhabitants of Bil'in Say NO To The Wall With A peaceful march from the mosque to Below the barrier . A march That HAS become the occasion of Solidarity and participation by activists and peace activists from around the world , always present at the event.

Today , Israelis soldiers fired tear gas Repeatedly , triggering panic and tension Among the demonstrators , many of Whom had Drifted -away and dispersed . Morgantini instead remained at the Forefront Other peace activists alongwith , Israelite army was waiting for the approach .

" 60 % of our country is at the other side of the wall - Said Mohammad Khatib , coordinator of the Popular Committees or non -violent resistance - in Addition to Our Village Possessions . Settlers built a huge settlement of 45 thousand settlers ( Illit ) Continues Which to Grow . We started our popular nonviolent struggle When Bulldozers Uproot Came to Our trees and olives . " Israeli soldiers shoot not only tear gas - Continues Amira Mohammed , coordinator of the Committee of nonviolent action in Nalin , 12 km from a Village Phone Aviv airport - but with rubber bullets That can kill . So far five people died . "

Ash on numerous occasions in the Past Morgantini is Committed these days in a visit to the Palestinian Territories and Israel to make tangible the members or re group " peaceful resistance to occupation . The whole objectifying or " keeping open the way or a Just Peace , Freedom and Self Determination For The Palestinian people and for Coexistence " "between the two peoples . In the coming days , re - ne Meaning group in Haifa , Tel Aviv , Jaffa and city of Hebron. A plug in Gaza instead proved To Be Impossible to Achieve Because - she Said - "We did not get permission . "

(July 23 , 2010 ) ©

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