De Palestijnse vlag was vroeger de vlag van de Arabische nationale beweging. In 1948 is hij tot Palestijnse vlag uitgeroepen. De kleuren gaan terug naar oude tijden: de tijd van de Profeet Mohammed (zwart), de Khawarij (rood), de Omayyaden (wit) en de Fatimiden (groen).



Italiaanse Palestina-activisten gemolesteerd in Rome

Het Netwerk voor Solidariteit met Palestina in Rome heeft een politie- onderzoek geëist naar molestatie van een aantal van hun activisten. Zij menen dat de molestatie met kettingen en messen het werk is van de joodse gemeenschap. Er werden 6 mensen gewond, twee van hen moesten worden opgenomen in het ziekenhuis.

25 June 2010-06-26

The Roman Network for Solidarity with Palestine has strongly denounced the aggression suffered on Thursday evening on the Campidoglio's steps by the hands of a squad traceable back to the Roman Jewish Community. It was an act of aggression and not a brawl.
Two of our activists had to be hospitalized: one has to undergo surgery, the other has head injury. Other four of our activists were attacked by blows and were physically injured.

The Roman Network for Solidarity with Palestine demands that the local Institutions, Municipality of Rome and the Province of Rome and the  Roman Jewish Community  publicly denounce the squad and their aggression. Otherwise they will take the responsibility of being accomplice of the assault suffered by Italian and Palestinian activists on the Campidoglio's steps.

The Roman Network for Solidarity with Palestine believes that in our city, Rome, the democratic right of expression through demonstrations about Palestine must not be subjugated  to squadrists' intimidations or to the inertia of the Institutions.
Numerous and documented acts of aggression have been taking place in all these years.

The Roman Network of Solidarity with Palestine will take legal action against the deceitful declarations released by the spokesman of the Roman Jewish Community on our activists being armed with chains and knives.
We have a video of the assault and the security monitors in the area will give evidence and disproof of those lies.

The Roman Network of Solidarity with Palestine will ask for an urgent meeting with the Head of the Prefettura ( Police) and the Mayor of Rome to safeguard the right of expression in solidarity with the Palestinians in our city  and to guarantee no impunity for anybody.

The Roman Network for Solidarity with Palestine

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