De Palestijnse vlag was vroeger de vlag van de Arabische nationale beweging. In 1948 is hij tot Palestijnse vlag uitgeroepen. De kleuren gaan terug naar oude tijden: de tijd van de Profeet Mohammed (zwart), de Khawarij (rood), de Omayyaden (wit) en de Fatimiden (groen).



EU voorzitter Zweden neemt stelling tegen uitbreiding nederzetting

De politiek-juridische verklaring van het Zweedse EU Voorzitterschap van 18 november is opvallend hard. De EU heeft de annexatie van Oost-Jeruzalem in 1967 nimmer heeft erkend. Opvallend is ook dat de Zweedse EU verklaring eraan herinnert dat de Israelische "basic law" van 1980 nimmer door de EU erkend is.

Zie de website van de EU voorzitter Zweden



Presidency Statement on settlement expansion in Jerusalem

The Presidency of the European Union is dismayed by the recent decision on the expansion of the settlement of Gilo.

The Presidency recalls that settlement activities, house demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem are illegal under international law. Such activities also prejudge the outcome of final status negotiations and threaten the viability of a two-state solution. The Presidency recalls that the European Union has never recognised the annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967 nor the subsequent 1980 basic law.

The actions taken by the Israeli Government contravene repeated calls by the international community, including the Quartet, and run counter to the creation of an atmosphere conducive to achieving a viable and credible solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. If there is to be genuine peace, a way must be found to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states.



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