De Palestijnse vlag was vroeger de vlag van de Arabische nationale beweging. In 1948 is hij tot Palestijnse vlag uitgeroepen. De kleuren gaan terug naar oude tijden: de tijd van de Profeet Mohammed (zwart), de Khawarij (rood), de Omayyaden (wit) en de Fatimiden (groen).



VS protesteert tegen Israelische reisbeperkingen

De VS heeft zware kritiek geuit tegen de nieuwe Israelische restricties tegen buitenlanders die de Westelijke Jordaanoever binnenkomen via de Allenby Brug. Volgens de VS zijn de restricties discriminerend en onaanvaardbaar.

Zie het artikel in Haaretz


By Barak Ravid, Amira Hass and Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz

The United States has harshly criticized new Israeli restrictions
placed on foreign nationals entering the West Bank via the Allenby Bridge, calling the new regulations 'unacceptable'. A report on the restrictions appeared in Haaretz last week.

Earlier this week, a senior official at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv
met with the head of the Foreign Ministry's consular division, Yigal
Tzarfati, for clarifications on the new procedure, by which passports are stamped  at the bridge with a directive limiting the bearer to areas of the Palestinian Authority only.

The U.S. message was that such a procedure is harmful to U.S. citizens who come to the Palestinian Authority.

At the meeting in Jerusalem, U.S. diplomats asked Tzarfati what the
reason was for the restrictions, and a statement issued yesterday by the State Department said that "the United States expects that all American citizens be treated equally, regardless of their national origin or other citizenship."

The statement added, "we have let the government of Israel know that these restrictions unfairly impact Palestinian and Arab-American travelers, and are not acceptable."

In addition to its critical public statement, on August 14 the U.S.
State Department renewed its travel advisory to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, drawing the attention of American travelers to Israel and the West Bank to the new procedure at the Allenby Bridge.

For some three months, border control officials at the Allenby Bridge
have been stamping visitors' passports with a visa and the additional words "Palestinian Authority only." Those who have received the stamp are mainly citizens of countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel, from Europe and the United States, and are mainly those who have family in the West Bank, work or study there.

At the same time, Interior Ministry officials at the borders advise
these people not to come to Israel through Ben-Gurion International Airport or the Sheikh Hussein Bridge crossing with Jordan near Beit She'an, rather only through the Allenby Bridge, frequently after they had been refused entry through the other entry points.

Meanwhile, other foreign nationals arriving at Ben-Gurion airport have
reportedly been asked to sign a pledge that they will not enter
Palestinian Authority territory without the approval of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.

Senior Foreign Ministry officials said that the Interior Ministry is
behind the new procedures, and the Foreign Ministry does not support it and does not understand its logic. "It is unclear what good it is and how it can be enforced," a Foreign Ministry official said. "All it does is damage Israel's image in its foreign relations," the official added.

Haaretz has learned that a number of European embassies are planning to approach the Foreign Ministry to protest and seek clarifications.

The Oslo Accords state that citizens of countries with diplomatic ties
with Israel can enter the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with their Israeli visa and a valid passport.

According to Interior Ministry spokeswoman Sabine Haddad, the
procedure is based on a decision by the interior minister and the defense minister from 2006 that "any foreign national who wants to enter the Palestinian Authority must have a permit issued by the army, and entry is permitted only into PA territory."

Haddad refused Haaretz's request for a copy of the text of this

Instructions the coordinator of government activities sent to
diplomats at the time, which were based on the decision, do not prevent entry to Israel, but determine that foreign nationals must request the approval of "the military commander" to enter the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian Authority is not mentioned as one of the categories in these instructions. In the past three years, no procedure has been enacted to receive the "military commander's approval."

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