Bil'in: 19 Palestijnen gevangen gezet na vreedzaam protest tegen de Muur
Bron: Bilín Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements
3 augustus:
At around 3am on Monday morning, a large military force wearing combat paint and masks invaded the West Bank village of Bil’in. Israeli soldiers raided several homes, arresting 2 Palestinian children, 5 Palestinian adults including Mohammad Khatib of the Bil’in Popular
Committee Against the Wall and Settlements. The home of another member of the Popular Committee was raided, but soldiers could not arrest him because he was not present at home.
Also arrested were the three brothers Khaled Shawkat Abd-Alrazic al-
Khateeb (age 23), Mustafa Shawkat Abd-Alrazic al-Khateeb (age18), and Mohammed Show gut Abd-Alrazic al-Khateeb (age 16); Abdullah Ahmad Yassen (age 18); Abdullah Mohammed Ali Yassen (age 16); Issa Mahmoud Issa Abu Rahma (age 40); This brings to 19 the number of Biliner’s currently in custody.
Monday’s raid is another in a series of many that Israeli forces have
carried out in Bil’in since June 29 2009, Israeli forces have
arrested 25 people (most are under 18). Israeli forces have been using interrogation techniques to pressure the arrested youth to give
statements against Bil’in community leaders.
Abdullah Abu Rahme, coordinator of the popular committee stated,
“Mohmmad Khatib and Adib Abu Rahme along with other leaders of the Palestinian popular struggle are being targeted because the mobilize Palestinians to resist non- violently. The fact is that the Apartheid Wall and the settlements built on Palestinian land are illegal under international law, in the case of our village even the biased Israeli court declared the route illegal. Yet Israel is prosecuting us as
criminals because we struggle nonviolently for our freedom.”
Zie de video van de Israelische inval van 10 juli 2009
Zie ook de video van 17 april, waar een demonstrant door een israelische traangaskogel werd gedood
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