Strathclyde Studenten bereiken boycotsucces door bezetting universiteit
Na een nacht durende bezetting van hun universiteit hebben studenten van Strathclyde University (Schotland) een boycot van Eden Springs Waterkoelers uit Israel bereikt. Eden Springs gebruikt water uit de de Israel bezette Golan Hoogvlakte.
An overnight occupation by Strathclyde University students has ended with a signed commitment from the University authorities to cease all dealings with human rights violator, Israeli water cooler company Eden Springs. Strathclyde University will buy no more water from Eden Springs.
Two years ago, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign initiated the campaign to target Eden Springs. There have been some successes to date, across Scotland, despite Israeli denials, but only a few have been openly on human rights grounds, most institutions preferring to cut links with such a tainted company but preferring the 'silent boycott' method. This avoids counter-pressure by justifying the cancellation on technical grounds.
Shamefully, Scottish Universities and Local Governments have hidden behind Thatcher's apartheid-era legislation designed to prevent boycott action against that earlier apartheid state in South Africa. Edinburgh City Council openly cited this legislation to refuse a motion for a boycott of Eden Springs in January 2008.
The Strathclyde success needs to be followed up vigorously by other students, and all employees in workplaces dealing with Eden Springs. This Israeli company profits from Israeli illegal occupation and openly flouts the Geneva Convention by 'pillaging' the water resources of an occupied territory
The signed agreement also meets other demands by the students, e.g that the university will fund a number of scholarships for Palestinian students. For photos, updates from participants in the occupation visit Pulse Media
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