De Palestijnse vlag was vroeger de vlag van de Arabische nationale beweging. In 1948 is hij tot Palestijnse vlag uitgeroepen. De kleuren gaan terug naar oude tijden: de tijd van de Profeet Mohammed (zwart), de Khawarij (rood), de Omayyaden (wit) en de Fatimiden (groen).




Het publiek wordt verzocht de verblijfsplaatsen en reisplannen van deze verdachten bekend te maken


By Redress Information & Analysis

26 January 2009

An international human rights organization has submitted evidence to the International Criminal Court for the arrest of top Israeli leaders for war crimes in Gaza and has called for information about the travel plans and whereabouts outside Israel of the suspects.

A human rights organization has called for the arrest of a number of senior Israeli leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The International Coalition against Impunity (HOKOK), a non-governmental organization registered with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, has submitted a “Letter of Notification and Referral” to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court outlining the case for the arrest of 15 Israeli political and military leaders for crimes committed in Gaza in violation of the Rome Statute and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

It has also issued an international appeal for information about the undermentioned war crimes suspects. Members of the public in Israel and throughout the world who have information about the travel plans or whereabouts of the undermentioned suspects when they are outside Israel should report this immediately to:

The Prosecutor

P.O. Box 19519

2500 Hague


Fax +31 70 515 8 555

The Israeli war crimes suspects are:

  1. Ehud Barak
  2. Amir Peretz
  3. Binyamin Ben Eliezer
  4. Avi Dichter
  5. Carmi Gillon
  6. Dan Halutz
  7. Doron Almog
  8. Ehud Olmert
  9. Eliezer Shkedy
  10. Gabi Ashkenazi
  11. Giora Eiland
  12. Matan Vilnai
  13. Moshie Bogie Yaalon
  14. Shaul Mofaz
  15. Tzipi Livni

A summary of the evidence against the above-mentioned war crimes suspects can be found in the document below, which is also available in Hebrew.

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