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dossier ONDERWIJS: scholieren-, studenten- en docenteninformatie

Er wordt veel geschreven over het beeld dat Palestijnse schoolboeken zouden geven van Israeli's. De Israelische wetenschapper Nurit Peled-Elhanan beschrijft het beeld dat Israelische schoolboeken geven van Palestijnen.

The presentation of Palestinians in Israeli schoolbooks of History and Geography 1994-2003 [1]
Nurit Peled-Elhanan University of Tel-Aviv and David Yellin Teachers College
All rights reserved to Nurit Peled-Elhanan


The denial of Palestinian national and territorial identity is still one of the core messages of Israeli textbooks. In a recent study of Israeli textbooks Firer (2004:75) claims that "as political correctness has reached Israel it is no longer appropriate to use blunt, discriminatory language in textbooks", and then adds that in the years 1967-1990 "the stereotypes of Arabs and Palestinians almost disappear" (ibid. p. 92). However, examining mainstream school books that were published after 1994, including the ones Firer praises most for political correctness, one cannot avoid seeing that visually and verbally, Palestinians are still represented  either in a racist stereotypical way, or as absent people, namely as an 'impersonalized' or excluded element.



[1] The study, which includes 12 schoolbooks, was completed at the Institute of Education, London University, 2004, and was granted by the Leverhulme Foundation. 


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