Friends of the Earth Schotland steunen campagneoproep "Stop the JNF"
De stemming was een week nadat David Cameron zich had teruggetrokken als beschermheer van het Joods Nationaal Fonds.
Bron: Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Stan Blackley
Chief Executive of Friends of the Earth Scotland
"....Our organisation is pleased to join the call for the revocation for the JNF's charitable status in the UK and to help raise awareness on this little known issue."
Andy Wightman
Author of 'Who Owns Scotland' and 'The Poor had no Lawyers', independent writer and researcher on issues of land and democracy. Keynote speaker ('Land rights in Scotland and Palestine') at 2011 Friends of the Earth Scotland Conference Land Rights Conference in Edinburgh.
" I am delighted that Friends of the Earth Scotland has voted to endorse the call to stop the JNF. The JNF has played a central role in the expropriation of Palestinian land and it is high time that it was exposed for the crimes it has been complicit in committing."
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