Agrexco in de fout
Volgens een officieel rapport opgesteld voor het commerciële hof in Montpellier (Frankrijk) fraudeert de Israelische exporteur Agrexco met de oorsprongscertificaten van producten die het via de havenstad Sète Frankrijk binnenbrengt. Niet alleen is komen vast te staan dat Agrexco voor nederzettingenproducten als oorsprong "Israel" opgeeft, maar ook dat het deze producten tegen de regels van de EU in laat profiteren van belastingvrijstelling.
De Franse Coalitie tegen Agrexco in Sète verzet zich al geruimte tijd tegen de komst van een Agrexco centrum in die plaats.
As a result of the French Coalition Against Agrexco's ongoing legal action, the judge of the commercial court in Montpellier ordered a state official to investigate the use of the port at Sete by Agrexco. This official delivered their report yesterday and it states that Agrexco imports settlement produce and certifies them as Israeli produce in such a way that constitutes illegal fraud. The full document, complete with the incriminating customs documents, will be available shortly. This report potentially allows the coalition to bring further legal action against Agrexco and the French state. The story has been reported by AFP, a major French news agency.
Elsewhere in Europe in recent days:
- The Swedish COOP supermarket has told a national newspaper that it will review its guidelines for subcontractors in relation to international law, following the publishing of an extensive report on Agrexco in the national media.
- Activists in Belgium blockaded Agrexco's Belgian subsidiary, preventing trucks from leaving Liege airport.
- The national media in Denmark have published stories on a new DanWatch report about the mislabelling of settlement produce by Agrexco and other producers
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