Geen Dode Zee cosmetica meer in Iers winkelcentrum
Het winkelcentrum Jonhstons Court in het Ierse Sligo heeft toegezegd dat Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics niet meer vanaf het winkelcentrum verkocht zullen worden. Een geplande demonstratie ertegen is daarom afgelast.
Sligo Shopping Centre gives Commitment on Dead Sea Products
The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) North-west have cancelled a planned demonstration that was to take place today (Wednesday Jan 26) outside Johnstons Court shopping centre in Sligo.
The protest had been called as a result of a company 'Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics' trading from a stall in the shopping centre. An impromptu protest was held on Saturday by a number of local IPSC activists who became aware of the stall which was selling Dead Sea Cosmetics product, the sale of which helps fund the Israeli apartheid regime, its brutal occupation of Palestine and its illegal settlements in the West Bank.
The cancellation of the protest comes as 'Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics' have ceased trading there yesterday (Jan 25). The Management of Johnstons Court also gave a commitment today that this company and their Dead Sea Cosmetics would not be allowed to return and trade in the shopping centre.
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