Geen contract voor Veolia in Edinburgh
Bron: Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Edinburgh Council has rejected Veolia's attempt to take over public services in the city!
A Council report published 10th Dec 2010 indicates that Veolia is no longer being considered for any contracts in the city, despite having been seen as the leading contender for its environmental services bid.
Veolia works with Israeli authorities in Occupied Palestine to provide waste and transport services to Israel's illegal settlements. The French multinational has already lost contracts across Europe due to sustained protest over its complicity in Israel's war crimes.
This comes on top of similar losses throughout Europe and beyond as it becomes ever more clear that it no longer pays to profit from Israel's Occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people.
Read SPSC media release
Het Nederlands Palestina Komitee steunde de actie tegen Veolia, lees hier de emailwisseling tussen het NPK en de gemeente Edinburgh. Het NPK is zeer verheugd dat de gemeente Edinburgh voorrang heeft gegeven aan overwegingen van internationaal recht.
Zie ook het artikel Seafield firm's Israeli links create a stench with council dat in augustus werd gepubliceerd in Edinburgh Evening News
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