Madonna nodigt uit, gasten komen niet, kunnen niet komen
Madonna had haar optreden in het Ramat Gan Stadion willen wijden aan de vrede, en met het oog daarop had men vredesorganisaties uitgenodigd om kosteloos het concert bij te wonen. Ook "Anarchisten tegen de Muur" werden uitgenodigd, maar weigerden op principiële gronden. Palestijnen uit Nil'in wilden wel komen, maar konden niet.
Madonna's concert guests: "Anarchists Against the Wall"
By Nir Yahav, system and Walla!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 21:15
The Activists of "Anarchists Against the Wall" (AATW) were surprised to find out they had been invited to Madonna's concert at Ramat Gan Stadium (tomorrow). The invitation came as part of an initiative by Madonna, who had intended to hold a concert for peace, but when it was merged with the first concert, it was decided to invite peace organizations and human rights groups free of charge.
AATW Activists announced that they refuse to accept the invitation, because the of situation which Palestinians in the territories face. "Our friends are in an open-air prison and are denied the most basic rights," said an activist in the group. "Our friends are prevented from coming to the show because they live under a policy of separation that prevents the freedom of movement." We are not prepared to accept this bribe when our colleagues are in administrative detention, an open-air prison in Gaza, denied their most basic rights ".
"Madonna's performances are just one example of the deliberate use of the international celebs in order to distract the world's attention away from these policies," the group added. "Madonna's appearance amounts to an expression of agreement with apartheid."
[Local] sources in the concert's production told Walla! Culture that peace organizations had indeed been invited to attend the show, but the decision on which organizations should be invited had not been made by the Israeli production team of the show.
The show's producers declined to issue an official comment on this.
Stopped By Apartheid on the Way to Madonna's "Peace Concert"
The Amira family activists of Ni'lin village try to get to Madonna's "Peace Concert".
They hold the proper concert tickets yet the road is long: determined they try to get through the apartheid wall, through the checkpoint, request assistance from the DCO office, but will they make it?? Bekijk de video
By Nir Yahav, system and Walla!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 21:15
The Activists of "Anarchists Against the Wall" (AATW) were surprised to find out they had been invited to Madonna's concert at Ramat Gan Stadium (tomorrow). The invitation came as part of an initiative by Madonna, who had intended to hold a concert for peace, but when it was merged with the first concert, it was decided to invite peace organizations and human rights groups free of charge.
AATW Activists announced that they refuse to accept the invitation, because the of situation which Palestinians in the territories face. "Our friends are in an open-air prison and are denied the most basic rights," said an activist in the group. "Our friends are prevented from coming to the show because they live under a policy of separation that prevents the freedom of movement." We are not prepared to accept this bribe when our colleagues are in administrative detention, an open-air prison in Gaza, denied their most basic rights ".
"Madonna's performances are just one example of the deliberate use of the international celebs in order to distract the world's attention away from these policies," the group added. "Madonna's appearance amounts to an expression of agreement with apartheid."
[Local] sources in the concert's production told Walla! Culture that peace organizations had indeed been invited to attend the show, but the decision on which organizations should be invited had not been made by the Israeli production team of the show.
The show's producers declined to issue an official comment on this.
Stopped By Apartheid on the Way to Madonna's "Peace Concert"
The Amira family activists of Ni'lin village try to get to Madonna's "Peace Concert".
They hold the proper concert tickets yet the road is long: determined they try to get through the apartheid wall, through the checkpoint, request assistance from the DCO office, but will they make it?? Bekijk de video
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