G4S is genomineerd voor de Public Eye Award: Stem en roep anderen op om te stemmen!
Stem en roep anderen op om te stemmen! Tot 23 januari.
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Online voting for the worst offender of the year runs from today until midday January 23, 2013. This year’s shortlist features the seven most egregious cases of corporate crime selected by our newly conceived jury of internationally known business ethicists from 20 expert reports about potentially deserving candidates. The reports were compiled by the Institute for Business Ethics at the University of St. Gall. More than 50 NGOs from all over the globe nominated companies.
Largest Private Army in the World: the ranks of the British security service company G4S include more than 650.000 employees.
These security forces are often badly trained and paid and many of its members have a criminal record. The company operates in 125 countries and is the world’s second largest private employer in the world and is involved in countless cases of violations of international law and human rights abuses. G4S is present in the occupied Palestinian territories—manning checkpoints and managing prison security for Israel and is thus complicit in Israel’s illegal settlement policy and the torture of Palestinians in Israeli prisons. G4S is also on record for several deaths that occurred during forcible deportations by G4S personnel.
The company is also active in other regions of conflict, often serving repressive regimes such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain or Saudi-Arabia.