Abu Pessoptimist over geweld van kolonisten en het Israelische leger tegen Palestijnen in bezet gebied, uit een rapport van Al Haq. Lees hier meer

Aldus Anja Meulenbelt op donderdag 27 december 2012.

Vier jaar geleden, begon een drie weken durende oorlog tegen Gaza, die meer dan 1400 mensen het leven kostte. Lees hier verder.



27/08/2010 - 31/10/2010
Dinsdag 24 augustus werd Abdallah Abu Rahmah, coördinator van het Bil'in Popular Committee, door een Israelisch miltair gerechtshof veroordeeld vanwege ophitsing en het organiseren van illegale (pardon?) marsen. Dit was de afronding van een acht maanden durend politiek showproces. Al die tijd zat Abdallah achter tralies.
Fel internationaal protest is nodig (Kamerleden, regering). De echt illegale muur is er nog en wie protesteert wordt opgesloten. De wereld op z'n kop.

Vervolg engelstalig bericht:


Persecuted for his key role in organizing the successful grassroots campaign against the wall and Jewish-only settlement on Bil'in's land, Abdallah was convicted based only on the forced testimonies of minors who were arrested from their beds at the middle of the night. not a single material evidence was presented during the entire trial.
We are now waiting for Abdallah's sentence, but he is facing years in jail. Now is the last moment act up on his case, and it is still not too late.

Last year, on the night of International Human Right Day, Thursday December 10th, at 2am, Abdallah Abu Rahmah was arrested from his home in the West Bank city of Ramallah. Seven military jeeps surrounded his house, and Israeli soldiers broke the door, took Abdallah from his bed and, after briefly allowing him to say goodbye to his wife Majida and their three children — seven year-old Luma, five year-old Lian and eight month-old baby Laith — they blindfolded him and took him into custody.

Help us send the message that Abdallah Abu Rahmah and the other prisoners of the popular struggle must be protected.
Abu Rahmah did not find himself behind bars because he is a dangerous man. Abdallah, who is amongst the leaders of the Palestinian village of Bil'in, is viewed as a threat for his work in the five-year unarmed struggle to save the village's land from Israel's wall and expanding settlements.
As a member of the Popular Committee and its coordinator since it was formed in 2004, Abdallah has represented the village of Bil'in around the world. In June 2009, he attended the village's precedent-setting legal case in Montreal against two Canadian companies illegally building settlements on Bil'in's land; in December of 2008, he participated in a speaking tour in France, and on 10 December 2008, exactly a year before his arrest, Abdallah received the Carl Von Ossietzky Medal for Outstanding Service in the Realization of Basic Human Rights, awarded by the International League for Human Rights in Berlin.

Last summer Abdallah was standing shoulder to shoulder with Nobel Peace laureates and internationally renowned human rights activists, discussing Bil'in's grassroots campaign for justice when The Elders visited his village. This summer, he may be sent to years in prison, exactly for his involvement in this campaign.
Abdallah's outrageous conviction today will be followed by a sentence in the coming weeks. The amount of pressure we will be able to generate in this time could influence Abdallah's sentence, but will also make clear to Israeli authorities that the repression of the popular struggle does have a political price.
Please use the below template letters we have prepared to ask your Minister of Foreign Affairs to send an official inquiry to the Israeli government about Abdallah. Demand that your country apply pressure on Israeli officials to release Abdallah Abu Rahmah and stop targeting popular struggle.

Bron, vanuit


Voorbeeldbrief aan minister Verhagen, naar smaak aan te passen


Israel proscribes Free Speech: Anti-Wall activist sentenced,
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, 25-8-2010

... Under the arms possession charge, Israeli authorities accused Abdallah of collecting empty M16 cartridges and empty sound bomb canisters and teargas grenades which had been used by Israeli soldiers to disperse demonstrators, and exhibiting them in a Bil’in museum. ...

... During the past year, the Israeli Occupation Forces arrested approximately 50 Palestinian human rights defenders from the village because of their involvement and participation in activities against the construction of the wall in the village. ... 


Facing jail, the unarmed activist who dared to take on Israel,

Donald Macintyre in Jerusalem, 26-8-2010

... Lady Ashton said she was "deeply concerned" that Abdallah Abu Rahma was facing a possible jail sentence "to prevent him and other Palestinians from exercising their legitimate right to protest against the separation barriers in a non-violent manner". ...


Amnesty over Abu Rahmah Abdallah, 27-8-2010

Amnesty International has condemned the conviction by an Israeli military court of a Palestinian non-violent political activist who has been detained since last December because of his involvement in protesting against the fence/wall which the Israeli authorities have been building largely on Palestinian land. ...


Per post, mail, op het Binnenhof, in de media, ...
