Marwan Bishara geeft uitleg aan de hand van 'The Israel Project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary'. Handig om het nieuws (wat wel en niet wordt gezegd, en vooral ook hoe) wat beter te kunnen volgen. Ook de mate van volgzaamheid van of in sommige media.
Zie Al Jazeerah voor het hele artikel (*)
En Al Jazeerah over Gaza under attack
Over 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014.
So here's the five-step approach to talking about civilian casualties in Gaza:
- Empathy: "All human life is precious. We understand that the loss of one innocent Palestinian life is every bit as tragic as the loss of an Israeli life."
- Admission: "We admit that Israel isn't always successful at preventing civilian casualties..."
- Effort: "We remain committed to doing everything in our power to preventing civilian casualties."
- Examples: "Let me tell you how our armed forces are trained, tasked, and operate to ensure that Palestinian civilians remain safe."
- Turn tables: "It is a tragedy that Iran-backed Hamas shoots rockets at our civilians while hiding in their own ... This causes tragic deaths on both sides."
En Al Jazeerah over Gaza under attack
Over 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014.
So here's the five-step approach to talking about civilian casualties in Gaza:
- Empathy: "All human life is precious. We understand that the loss of one innocent Palestinian life is every bit as tragic as the loss of an Israeli life."
- Admission: "We admit that Israel isn't always successful at preventing civilian casualties..."
- Effort: "We remain committed to doing everything in our power to preventing civilian casualties."
- Examples: "Let me tell you how our armed forces are trained, tasked, and operate to ensure that Palestinian civilians remain safe."
- Turn tables: "It is a tragedy that Iran-backed Hamas shoots rockets at our civilians while hiding in their own ... This causes tragic deaths on both sides."
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