Zie in Today in Palestine! de dagelijkse berichten.


Een diashow over het leven van de Palestijnen voordat hun land hen werd afgenomen.

Koop Palestijnse producten! Er zijn inmiddels meer aanbieders van Palestijnse producten.

Denk aan de inmiddels vertrouwde Rumi en Nabali olijfolie die via Canaan ons land binnenstroomt en die nu door wordt verkocht. Ook za' atar , maftoul, olijven, zeep en nog veel meer zijn hier te vinden.

Een andere aanbieder met een veelzijdig assortiment is: naar ramallah 

Van harte aanbevolen om de Palestijnse boeren en de verwerkers van de producten economisch te steunen.

Propal steunt daarbij nog de musicians without borders.

Een YouTube filmpje op een lied van Mahalia Jackson



18 Palestijnse liedjes

Abu Pessoptimist over geweld van kolonisten en het Israelische leger tegen Palestijnen in bezet gebied, uit een rapport van Al Haq. Lees hier meer

Aldus Anja Meulenbelt op donderdag 27 december 2012.

Vier jaar geleden, begon een drie weken durende oorlog tegen Gaza, die meer dan 1400 mensen het leven kostte. Lees hier verder.

Een YouTubefilm van Sonia Karkar
BDS Free Palestine Rap Song

Kijk en luister naar de rap song op de blog van Youth Against Normalization






De huidige Israëlische president Shimon Peres brengt van 29 september t/m 2 oktober een officieel bezoek aan Nederland. Hier achtergrondinformatie over oorlogsmisdaden waarvoor hij verantwoordelijk wordt gehouden. Dit jaar wordt 65 jaar Nakba herdacht; Peres had in 1948 een leidende rol bij de ethnische zuivering van Palestina en viert dat nu met het etiket '65 jaar Israel'. Hij is een hoofdverantwoordelijke voor het sinds 1948 door Israel met geweld ingezette kolonisatiepad, inclusief een reeks oorlogsmisdaden. En komt Nederland voor trouwe 65-jarige steun bedanken.

De Israëlische president Shimon Peres brengt van 29 september tot en met 2 oktober een officieel bezoek aan Nederland. Dat heeft de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst woensdag bekendgemaakt.
Peres’ war criminal history


Don’t honor Peres’ war criminal history, Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel 9 November 2007
… Peres is on record for being responsible for other war crimes, from building colonies on occupied Arab land to endorsing a policy of extra-judicial killings, which murders Palestinians and other Arabs without the benefit of a trial or, in fact, any proof other than that provided by Israeli Intelligence, the Shin Bet. He also supports the siege on Gaza, the destruction of its airport, and the elaborate system of checkpoints all across the West Bank. He defends the demolition of Palestinian homes, and he justified the atrocities committed by the Israeli army in its recent war on Lebanon in 2006
"Shimon Peres, you’re a war criminal!" say Oxford students, Abigail Humphries The Electronic Intifada 20 November 2008  

Tell Oxford not to create lecture series in Peres’ honor, Badil 13 November 2008
Peres has been personally responsible for numerous crimes and human rights Breaches over the past 60 years, a small fraction of which is mentioned below:
• He played a leading personal role in the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine as the man responsible for purchasing weapons and supplies for the Haganah forces and its militias.
• He is the father of the Israeli nuclear project, playing the leading role in establishing the Dimona nuclear reactor, and thus introducing nuclear weapons for the first time into the Middle East.
• He played a critical role in launching the 1956 tripartite aggression (Suez crisis) against Egypt, a war that caused thousands of innocent casualties.
• He was implicated in the Lavon affair, a terrorist bomb-planting campaign against Egyptian, British and American targets that was carried on in Egypt.
• He was an enthusiastic supporter of the settlers/colonists that established the early settlements in the West Bank in the 1970’s, playing a role in creating one of the biggest obstacles to future peace.
• He was responsible, as the Israeli Prime minister at the time, for the Qana massacre of 1996, during which Israel intentionally bombed a known UN site, killing and injuring hundreds of Lebanese civilians.
• During his tenure as Israeli prime minister, he was responsible for a vast expansion in illegal Israeli settlements constructed over occupied Palestinian lands, and thus played a major role in derailing the prospects for peace in the Middle East.
• He was Foreign Minister in a cabinet (Sharon’s) that inflicted death, injury, and imprisonment on tens of thousands of Palestinians during the most recent intifada. Peres voted on many of the decisions that caused this dark outcome and supported without reserve Ariel Sharon’s militaristic and oppressive approach.
• He currently presides over a state that is establishing one of the most comprehensive apartheid systems in human history (using walls, trenches, checkpoints, electrified wire fences and brute armed force).
• He is the head of the state that currently besieges and starves the people of Gaza, effectively turning that occupied territory into the world’s largest prison.
• A master of Orwellian newspeak, he is known as the Israeli state’s foremost spokesperson. He vigorously defends his state’s policies and masks them with constant references to peace, alas a peace whose essence is war and occupation.
From Israeli Citizens to Belgian Citizens: Shimon Peres is Not a man of Peace He is Guilty Of War Crimes !

... One of the main Israeli politicians behind these decades of oppression, racism and discrimination, has been Israeli President Shimon Peres. Mr Peres is not a man of peace, and he does not speak in our names!
- Mr. Peres has been a member of, and a senior propagandist for, Israeli governments which have used cluster munitions, flechette artillery shells, and white phosphorus bombs in densely populated civilian areas in Gaza and Lebanon. Governments who have also increased the
number of settlements in the OPT and imposed separate legal systems for Israeli settlers in the OPT and their Palestinian neighbors.
- As the Minister of Defense in Yitzhak Rabin’s first government, Mr. Peres was one of those who sided with the settlers of Sebastya, some of the first settlers in the West Bank, in 1975. Later on in that year, he planted the first tree in the new settlement of Ofra, and was on the governmental committee which oversaw the establishment of the settlement of Ariel.
- In September 1986, Mr. Peres authorized the kidnapping and torture of an Israeli citizen in Rome, whistle blower Mordechai Vanunu, who objects to Israeli nuclear power a clear violation of international law. Mr. Peres was also one of the architects of Israel’s military Nuclear Centre in
Dimona, a project which has instigated a dangerous nonconventional
arms race in the Middle East.

- He lent moral and military support to South Africa’s brutal apartheid regime, including its nuclear project.
- As Prime Minister, in April 1996, and as part of Israel’s “Operation Grapes of Wrath”, Shimon Peres authorized the mass bombing of villages in Southern Lebanon, aimed at creating a wave of refugees flooding Beirut.
- Shimon Peres is not a man of peace. He is directly responsible for war crimes!
Peres: A perennial loser, URI AVNERY Saturday 22 June 2013
… he allowed right-wing extremists to establish the first settlement in the heart of the West Bank — Kedumim. He has rightly been called the father of the settlement movement, as he was earlier called the father of the atom bomb. Rabin coined a phrase that stuck to him: “Tireless backstabber.”
Peres 90 - een knalfeest voor een geboren loser, 21-6-2013



Zie meteen ook voor Barak, Livni, Olmert en vele anderen.





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