Wat beoogt het Russell Tribunaal voor Palestina?
Het Tribunaal stelt zich tot doel de vormen van verantwoordelijkheid in kaart te brengen die hebben geleid tot het voortduren van de Israelische bezetting van Palestijns grondgebied en het niet-uitvoeren van VN-resoluties vanaf Resolutie 181 van 29 november 1947 over de verdeling van Palestina tot Resolutie ES-1-/15 van 20 juli 2004 over Israels bouw van de Muur op bezet Palestijns grondgebied; laatstgenoemde resolutie bevatte een verzoek aan VN lidstaten zich te kwijten van hun juridische verplichtingen conform het Advies van het Internationaal Gerechtshof. Voor uitgebreide informatie over het Tribunaal klik .
De sessie in Londen
De sessie van 20-22 november vindt plaats in de Law Society in Londen, en is gewijd aan het optreden van een aantal bedrijven in relatie tot Israels schending van de rechten van de Palestijnen. Het Tribunaal zal onderzoeken door welk systeem bedrijven in staat worden gesteld tot illegale handelingen en welke staten en internationale organisaties hiervoor verantwoordelijk gehouden kunnen worden. Voor informatie over de samenstelling van het Tribunaal en het programma verwijs ik u naar de bijlage bij deze brief.
Aanmelding van deelname
Er is nog ruimte voor deelname vanuit Nederland. Voor deelname kunt u zich aanmelden bij het Nederlands Palestina Komitee aan wie de vorming van een delegatie uit Nederland is gedelegeerd. Ik verzoek u vriendelijk uw voornemen tot deelname te melden aan . Voor deelname is een bijdrage van £15,- verschuldigd.
Hieronder het programma van de sessie in Londen.
“Corporate Complicity in Israel’s Violations in International Human Rights Law
and International Humanitarian Law”
20th to 22nd November 2010
Registration fee: 15£
Day One: Saturday 20th November
Law Society, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PL
09:15 Doors Open
Pr. Pierre Galand (Belgium) will open the London session in the name of the International Organising Committee of the RToP.
Introduction to the Second Session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine by Ambassador of France Stéphane Hessel (France) and Michael Mansfield QC (U.K.).
I. The Legal Framework Relevant to Corporate Conduct
Legal experts, Richard Hermer QC (UK), Yasmine Gado (U.S.A.) and Dr. William Bourdon (France) will set out the tribunal’s legal framework. Each expert will discuss the details of U.K., U.S.A. and French law respectively, their relevance to the application of international law as well as their relevance to this session’s focus upon corporate complicity.
11:30 Coffee Break
II. Implications of Corporate Activities In and Around Settlements (Part 1)
Dr. Dalit Baum (Israel) and Hugh Lanning (UK) will provide an overview of the issues relating to business practices in relation to settlements and the settlement industry.
Fayez Al Taneeb (Palestine) and Wael Natheef (Palestine) will speak about the direct impact this is having on Palestinians as workers and residents in and around settlements.
13:30 Lunch
II. Implications of Corporate Activities In and Around Settlements (Part 2)
Adri Nieuwhof (Netherlands), will speak as the lead expert on public contracts regulations and the French multinational, Veolia, and its business practices in the occupied Palestinian territories.
Ghaleb Mashni (Palestine) will offer an account of the impact this has had on Palestinians.
John Dorman (Ireland) will round off the session with an account of the relationships between Cement Roadstone Holdings and the construction of the wall.
III. Trade and Labelling of Settlement Goods
A Representative from Al Haq (Palestine) will offer an overview of the legal issues relating to the trade and labelling of settlement goods.
16:10 Coffee Break
Christophe Perrin (France) will follow with an account of the business practices of agricultural producers, Carmel Agrexco.
Nancy Kricorian and Rae Abileah (U.S.A.) will discuss the cosmetics company Ahava and its production of spa products.
Phon Van Den Biesen (Netherlands) will discuss issues relating to labelling of products from Israeli settlements and the day will be closed by Genevieve Coudrais (France), who will speak about Soda Stream.
18:00 End of Day One
Day Two: Sunday 21st November 2010
Law Society, Chancery Lane, London. WC2A 1PL
10:00 Doors Open
Pr. Pierre Galand (Belgium) will open the second day in the name of the International Organising Committee of the RToP.
IV. Financial Services Sector
Merav Amir (Israel) Will offer an overview of both Israeli and international finance companies and their connection to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Mario Franssen (Belgium) will speak on the Dexia group.
Saskia Muller (Netherlands) will speak on the PFZW Pension Fund.
11:40 Coffee Break
V. The Security Industry and the War Industry
An overview of the security industry and the nature of corporate involvement will be set out by John Hilary (U.K.).
Maria LaHood (U.S.A.) will provide information on Caterpillar and the use of its equipment in Israeli military practices.
Josh Ruebner (U.S.A.) will follow with additional information and evidence relating to Caterpillar’s business practices.
Merav Amir and or Dr. Dalit Baum (Israel) will follow with an account of British private security firm G4S .
13:30 Lunch
V. The Security Industry and the War Industry
Shir Hever (Israel) and Jamal Juma’a (Palestine) will speak about Elbit Systems and their role in security practices by the Israeli state.
Paul Troop (U.K.), will discuss recent court cases against UK based arms manufacturing companies EDO ITT and Raytheon.
The final speaker, Ben Hayes (U.K.) will give details relating to EU subsidies to the security industry.
16:10 Break
Speaking time for corporations**
Wrap up questions
The Tribunal may want to ‘recall’ experts from the session itself or other international legal experts to ask for clarification on legal issues in light of what will have been heard throughout the two days.
Round up and overview of the two days, what has taken place and the way forward.
17:30 End of Day Two
19:00 The jury withdraws for deliberations
Day Three, Monday 22nd November 2010
10:30 Press Conference
The Amnesty International Human Rights Action Centre will host a press conference setting out conclusions from the second session of the RToP.
**All corporations whose business practices will been interrogated during the session have been contacted by registered post and invited to attend the session.
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