Zie in Today in Palestine! de dagelijkse berichten.


Een diashow over het leven van de Palestijnen voordat hun land hen werd afgenomen.

Koop Palestijnse producten! Er zijn inmiddels meer aanbieders van Palestijnse producten.

Denk aan de inmiddels vertrouwde Rumi en Nabali olijfolie die via Canaan ons land binnenstroomt en die nu door wordt verkocht. Ook za' atar , maftoul, olijven, zeep en nog veel meer zijn hier te vinden.

Een andere aanbieder met een veelzijdig assortiment is: naar ramallah 

Van harte aanbevolen om de Palestijnse boeren en de verwerkers van de producten economisch te steunen.

Propal steunt daarbij nog de musicians without borders.

Een YouTube filmpje op een lied van Mahalia Jackson



18 Palestijnse liedjes

Abu Pessoptimist over geweld van kolonisten en het Israelische leger tegen Palestijnen in bezet gebied, uit een rapport van Al Haq. Lees hier meer

Aldus Anja Meulenbelt op donderdag 27 december 2012.

Vier jaar geleden, begon een drie weken durende oorlog tegen Gaza, die meer dan 1400 mensen het leven kostte. Lees hier verder.

Een YouTubefilm van Sonia Karkar
BDS Free Palestine Rap Song

Kijk en luister naar de rap song op de blog van Youth Against Normalization






Het NPK legde zeven lijsttrekkers (lijst 1 t/m 7) een vragenset voor; hierna reacties van VVD, GroenLinks en SP plus van PvdA een eerdere reactie. Dit alles uiteraard te bezien met eerder doen en laten der partijen in het Europees Parlement en de Tweede Kamer (woorden versus daden).

Zie hierbij


Vragen zijn gesteld aan deze lijsttrekkers:
Lijst 1 CDA - Europese Volkspartij - Wim van de Camp
Lijst 2 PvdA - Europese Sociaaldemocraten - Thijs Berman
Lijst 3 VVD - Europese Liberaal-Democraten - Hans van Baalen
Lijst 4 GroenLinks - Judith Sargentini
Lijst 5 SP (Socialistische Partij) - Dennis de Jong
Lijst 6 ChristenUnie-SGP - Peter van Dalen
Lijst 7 Democraten 66 (D66) - Sophie in 't Veld

De engelstalige vragenset is van het "French NGO’s Platform for Palestine" i.h.k.v. de Europese verkiezingscampagne en heeft als motto: “Europe must act for the law”




“Europe must act for the law”

Questions & Answers given:


1. Several official European declarations have been calling for years for the respect of international law and international humanitarian law by Israel. However, the situation on the ground keeps getting worse.  Concretely, how do you intend to act in order to implement these declarations? First and foremost to open all the crossing points from and to the Gaza Strip and to put an end to the colonization?


Answer 1

VVD: A comprehensive peace settlement is in the interest of all parties. VVD believes in a step by step approach to a comprehensive settlement. The end of terrorists acts by Hamas and other organizations is the key to peace.

GL: These conditions must be part of a comprehensive deal between Israel and Palestinians. Even though both parties have weak support for an agreement, the involvement of a new American administration could offer a new window of opportunity. The EU should be ready to send a monitoring mission to ensure, among other things, free movement in the Palestinian areas, a withdrawal of colonists and disarmament of non-state armed groups.

SP: The SP of the Netherlands has repeatedly asked for the opening of the borders, and the commitance of all parties to international law. We consider Israel a occupying force which has to obey the Conventions of Geneva, which implies supplying the people of Gaza.

2. As a member of the European Parliament you will have to give your opinion about the European policy in the Middle-East.

2a - The persistence of human rights’ violation in the Palestinian Occupied Territories leads to the violation of article 2 of the association agreement signed between the European Union and Israel. Do you intend to call for the suspension of the association agreement until the law is respected, in continuity with the European Parliament’s resolution of April 2002?

2b - The EU-Israel association accord has entered an upgrading process. Will you declare officially that you are against this upgrading? You will also have to express your view on Israel’s participation to the Community programs. Will you vote against this participation?

2c - The European Union financed numerous infrastructures in the Palestinian Territories that were destroyed by the Israeli army. Do you intend to ask for reparations for the projects financed by the EU that were destroyed by Israel?


Answer 2

VVD: I fully support the upgrading of the EU association agreement with Israel and will not ask for compensation of the EU financed projects. Strong EU – Israel ties will further the Middle East Peace Process. A strong and EU supported Israel can do more to come to a settlement with the Palestinians than a weak Israel without EU support.


- We want to suspend negotiations on a renewal of the agreement. In order to make optimal use of the EU leverage on Israel, we favour a gradual decrease of the European offer. It should be clear to Israel that we are working towards a suspension of the association agreement if human rights conditions are not met.

- The upgrading of the relations between the EU and Israel should go hand in hand with the respect of the commitments made in Annapolis towards a comprehensive political settlement, the full implementation of the EC-PLO Interim Association agreement and the end of the humanitarian crisis in the Occupied Territories. The EP decided to postpone the vote on the upgrading of relations with Israel thanks to the initiative of the Green group in December and due to this the question is for the moment off the EU agenda.

- Reparations for EU projects is not the priority. Israel should pay for the war damage done to UN buildings and contribute to the rebuilding of Gaza. More important to economic recovery, however, is the opening up of the border.

SP: Question a; Yes, we already did several times since April2002; b We are against upgrading, although we must wait and see what the result of the negotiations will be c; Yes, we already did. 


3. Israel, like any other state, must be accountable regarding its acts. Several actors present on the ground or during missions of observation (especially in the context of the Israeli attack), described constitutive facts of war crimes, or even crimes against humanity. How do you intend to act in order to guarantee that the people responsible for such violations will be judged?


Answer 3

VVD: The fighting in the Gaza-strip in December 2008 and January 2009 was the result of frequent missile-attacks from the Gaza-strip on Israeli territory. The Israeli invasion was therefore justified as self defence. The fact that Palestinian civilians were wounded and killed was a direct consequence of the Hamas strategy to operate from civilian infrastructure. The Israeli courts must decide whether Israeli troops have violated international humanitarian law.

GL: Israel should put its own war criminals to trial. If it fails to act upon serious allegations, we should put pressure on Israel to allow an independent investigation. If crimes fall under the jurisdiction of International Criminal Court, the EU should support an ICC case.
SP: The SP has repeatedly asked for an independent international investigation and is in favour of bringing suspects of war crimes to court.

4. The European Union recently called on a Palestinian government of national unity. How do you think that the EU can facilitate the implementation of a dialogue with Hamas? Having this in mind, will you ask the withdrawal of Hamas from the European list of terrorist organizations?


Answer 4

VVD: A withdrawal of Hamas from the European list of terrorist organizations can only be based on a  renouncing by Hamas of  terroristic methods, actually stopping terrorist acts, accepting the international obligations of the Palestinian Authority and the explicit acceptance of the existence of the State of Israel. Hamas has not accepted these conditions. Therefore Hamas must stay on the EU list of terrorist organisations.

GL: The EU should speak with Hamas without prior conditions. Starting negotiations with Hamas could help this organisation in its evolution from a religious guerrilla and terrorist group to a responsible political party. The EU could function as an intermediate between Hamas and its enemies if accepted as such by the parties. It is of course impossible to forge a peace deal without involvement of Hamas and without Hamas recognising Israel. However, Hamas should refrain from and explicitly give up violence against civilians and suicide attacks before it can be withdrawn from the list.

SP: The SP has always respected the results of the parliamentarian elections in January 2006. That means that the legitimate representatives have to be recognized as negotiation partners. Therefore the SP is in favour of negotiating all the partners.

5. European weapons or weapons made with European components are used by Israel through indiscriminate attacks against civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law. In December 2008, the European Council of ministry adopted a Code of Conduct (legally binding instrument) on Arms Transfers regarding technology and military equipment exports to third country. What kind of measures will you take in order that European member states respect this new Code of Conduct in their relationships with Israel?


Answer 5

VVD: The Code of Conduct does not prohibit military co-operation with Israel nor arms sales or transfer of technology. VVD will not accept an other interpretation.

GL: The Code of Conduct should be legally binding for all member states and arms exporters. This is the wish of the European Parliament. The member states should put the Code into national law. Violations should be severely punished by law.

SP: The SP has asked several times to stop importing weapons from and exporting weapons to Israel. Apart  from that we were opposing arms traffick to Israel, mostly from the USA via Schiphol-airport/Amsterdam which role is taken over by Liege since autumn 2008. The code of conduct is actually to mild, strong measures should be taken.


6. After the failure of Annapolis Summit, will you ask for an international conference (based on international law, with a calendar and guarantees of implementation) which will be under the auspices of the UNO?


Answer 6

VVD: VVD will not call for an international conference but promote diplomatic initiatives to revive the Annapolis process.         

GL: Of course the involvement of the UN is a possibility, although it is not always accepted as impartial. The involvement of the United States, as patron of Israel, could be helpful if the US administration is willing to press Israel. The involvement of Arab countries is also essential, because they could offer Israel a peaceful environment and pressurise the Palestinian side. The EU as the main financer of the Palestinians can assist in reaching an agreement as well. The new US administration might reinforce the peace process. The form of new peace talks should be agreed upon by the parties.

SP: Yes, although any serious attempt to come to a viable two state solutions will be supported.



Het CDA liet weten vóór 4 juni geen tijd voor reactie te hebben.


Van de PvdA kwam nog geen reactie; wel kwam in al in maart deze reactie namens Thijs Berman (reeds lid Europees Parlement) op enkele vragen:

- Was u op 3 december aanwezig bij de plenaire vergadering van het Europese Parlement in Brussel? JA
- Zo ja, hoe heeft u op 3 december gestemd over het uitstel van de stemming over de opwaardering? Voor/tegen/onthouding? VOOR
- Vind u de beslissing over uitstel van de stemming (nog steeds) terecht, gezien de Operatie ‘Cast Lead’ ?  Ja/nee/onthouding? JA
- Mocht het voorstel m.b.t de opwaardering opnieuw tijdens deze EP periode aan het parlement worden voorgelegd, hoe verwacht u dan te stemmen?  TEGEN zolang geen voortgang in vredesproces te zien is.
- Bent  u van mening dat het huidige Associatie-verdrag met Israel vernieuwd moet worden, of beter kan worden opgeschort in het licht van Artikel 2 en Israel’s schendingen van het Internationaal recht.
VERNIEUWD, mits schendingen eindigen, vredesproces duidelijke voortgang maakt.
CU-SGP en D66 gaven geen reactie.



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