NPK-info - 27 september 2014 Nederlands Palestina Komitee - UIT DE GAZA-SESSIE VAN HET 'RUSSELL TRIBUNAL ON PALESTINE' VERSLAGEN EN UITKOMSTEN V.D. SPECIALE SESSIE VAN HET 'RUSSELL TRIBUNAL ON PALESTINE' OVER GAZA 24-25 SEPTEMBER 2014 - Tribunaal tegen de misdaad van het zwijgen, Anja Meulenbelt ... Dat we één misdaad in ieder geval hebben doorbroken, de misdaad van het zwijgen. - Gaza and the 'crime of crimes', Russell Tribunal on Palestine finds that Gaza is on the brink of a genocidal apartheid, Ronnie Kasrils. ... The barbaric onslaught on Gaza July-August 2014 will be a main focus of our campaigning for accountability of not just Israel but third party states. Israel and its accomplices must not be allowed to get away with the extermination of a people. We must prevent the crime of genocide from taking place. What we saw in Gaza 2014 can and will happen again, if the world remains silent. The world must stand by the people of Gaza, of the West Bank, and the Palestinian refugees. This is for the sake of peace and justice for all living in the entire land of Israel/Palestine.... - Testimonies from the Russell Tribunal on Palestine - Extraordinary Session on Gaza: Summary of findings, Brussels, 25 September 2014 To Global Civil Society: > To fully support, develop, and expand the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement; > To support activism aimed at denying Israeli firms and organisations supporting or profiting from the occupation access to international markets; > To show solidarity with activists taking action to shut down firms aiding and abetting the commission of crimes against Palestinians such as Elbit Systems in the UK; > To actively lobby and pressure governments to take immediate action to ensure they are not contributing to Israeli crimes and to ensure they are acting in line with the edicts and principles of international law. -------------------------------- KOMENDE ACTIVITEITEN 27 september Utrecht: Informatiebijeenkomst REIZEN naar Palestina - vanmiddag dus 28 september Amsterdam: How to speak about the Nakba in Hebrew? en meer in volgende weken. -------------------------------- DAGELIJKSE SITUATIE: NPK-info verschijnt ongeveer eens per week per email met Palestina-nieuws: informatie, achtergronden en nieuws over activiteiten en bijeenkomsten. NPK-info is een uitgave van het Nederlands Palestina Komitee. Meer informatie vindt u op Geen NPK-info meer ontvangen? Afmelden / Unsubscribe |