NPK-info - 07 september 2014 Nederlands Palestina Komitee - KOMENDE ACTIVITEITEN KOMENDE ACTIVITEITEN 7 september Amsterdam: benefietavond ‘Stand up for Palestine’ 10 september De Balie: THE LAB - Documentary film about how Israel’s military occupation is a profitable business 10 september Vlaardingen: Thema-avond over de oorlog in Gaza 11 september Amsterdam CREA: Anja Meulenbelt over Gaza en Palestijnse documentaire 'Where birds should fly' 12 september Den Haag: Lezing 'Een Schreeuw om Recht', Dries van Agt 13 september Groningen: bijeenkomst met Palestijns activist Mohammed Othman 13-14 september Maastricht: Palestine Festival En meer in volgende weken. -------------------------------- DIVERSE BERICHTEN - PCHR - Report: Rebuilding Gaza to cost $7.8 billion, Ma'an 4-9-2014 - The Month in Pictures: July and August 2014, The Electronic Intifada 5-9-2014 - Who are Israel's Palestinian informants? Mohammed Omer 6-9-2014 - Palestinian Message to Israel: Deal with Us Justly. Or Disappear. Jeff Halper 29-8-2014 ... it is liable to disappear if it doesn’t deal justly with the natives... -------------------------------- CREATIEVE ACTIE - Palestinian flag with BDS and “Gaza in our Hearts” on Manhattan Bridge, New York! Nederland heeft veel bruggen, en nogal wat opvallende hoge balkons. -------------------------------- OPROEP UIT GAZA: ROEP ISRAEL TER VERANTWOORDING VOOR ZIJN MISDADEN IN GAZA - INTENSIVEER DE BDS-ACTIES Uit de nog te vertalen oproep: Intensify BDS against Israel in all fields, including by taking the following actions: 1. Working to have arrest warrants issued against Israeli war criminals and for them to be tried before your courts. 2. Pressuring governments to impose a comprehensive military embargo on Israel. 3. Pressuring governments to suspend all free trade and bilateral agreements with Israel until it complies with international law. 4. Building effective direct action against Israel and Israeli companies, such as the inspiring Block the Boat actions that prevented Israeli ships from unloading in California and Seattle, and the occupations of Israeli weapons company Elbit Systems’ factories in the UK and Australia. 5. Working within trade unions to raise awareness about Israel’s regime of oppression and engaging in effective BDS measures such as stopping handling of Israeli goods, divesting trade union funds from Israel and complicit companies, and boycotting complicit Israel trade unions. The trade union movement has a proud history of successful campaigning against apartheid in South Africa, and the Congress of South African Trade Unions has joined Palestinian trade unions in calling for trade union action to end Israel’s impunity. 6. Holding to account those corporations and retailers that support and profit from Israel’s regime of occupation, colonialism and apartheid, including by boycotting their products and taking creative and direct action. The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) has suggested a list of corporate criminals to target Huiswerk dus, met daarbij: Breng alle medeplichtigheid vanuit Nederland aan het licht en tot een eind. Het ABP bleek tot nu toe hardleers. De regering idem. -------------------------------- DAGELIJKSE SITUATIE: NPK-info verschijnt ongeveer eens per week per email met Palestina-nieuws: informatie, achtergronden en nieuws over activiteiten en bijeenkomsten. NPK-info is een uitgave van het Nederlands Palestina Komitee. Meer informatie vindt u op Geen NPK-info meer ontvangen? Afmelden / Unsubscribe |