NPK-info - 24 december 2013 Nederlands Palestina Komitee - NAKBA, 1948 - 2014? NAKBA, 1948 - 2014? For the Palestinians, al-Nakba Did not End in 1948, Hasan Afif El-Hasan 24-12-2013 For the Palestinians, the 1948 al-Nakba did not end in the establishment of Israel. It has been a continuous ongoing process of dispossession, Judaization and cleansing. Peaceful Palestinians have presented an existential challenge to Israel’s demographic imperatives because the conquest of all Palestine has been the fundamental tenets of Zionism.... -------------------------------- GAZA: INZAMELINGSACTIE JABALYA - Help de slachtoffers van de watersnood Met meer over de situatie in de Gazastrook, zoals de petitie aan de Europese leiders over het toenemende gebrek aan schoon drinkwater voor de inwoners van Gaza: de "Dorst naar rechtvaardigheid campagne”. - Storm exacerbates sewage crisis in Gaza, The Electronic Intifada 20-12-2013 - Video: Ramzy Baroud on Gaza, Resistance and Need to Retell History -------------------------------- STEUN VITENS Actie oproep: Steun Vitens in haar beslissing de samenwerking met Mekorot te beëindigen Vitens staat onder grote druk om haar beslissing tot beëindiging van de samenwerking met het Israelische Mekorot te herroepen. Zowel in de main stream media als in de social media is een storm van reacties op gang gekomen. Doe mee en laat Vitens weten dat ze de juiste beslissing heeft genomen. -------------------------------- EYAD EL-SARRAJ Remembering Palestinian mental health pioneer Dr. Eyad El-Sarraj, Ali Abunimah 18-12-2013 -------------------------------- ECCP-BERICHTEN, VAN DE EUROPESE PALESTINABEWEGING met ondermeer The contribution of European businesses to the existence and expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, 29-11-2013 Recommendations In order to meet their legal obligations and commitment to the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Businesses and Human Rights and ensure that businesses do not undermine EU policy on Israeli settlements, the European Union and its member states should proactively advise businesses to: Cease all trade with Israeli export companies that operate inside illegal Israeli settlements, since trade with such companies provides capital to businesses involved in the maintenance and expansion of Israeli settlements Avoid involvement or investment in the provision of infrastructure products and services to illegal Israeli settlements such as transport, waste and environmental services, given that such projects violate international law End all investment in companies, projects and businesses operating inside illegal Israeli settlements, including by divesting existing investments Be aware of the risk of legal action against the business for breaches of international law In addition, the European Union should: Conduct a Human Rights Impact Assessment of its trade agreements with Israel, given that companies operating in illegal Israeli settlements are able to export produce to Europe using procedures put in place by these agreements. Encourage its member states to withdraw state support from and not procure services from companies that refuse to address their contribution to human rights violations. -------------------------------- AGENDA EN ACTIES Zie -------------------------------- ACTUALITEIT Dagelijkse situatie en BDS-acties plus Technisch probleempje: mogelijk zijn de links niet aanklikbaar, moeten dan worden gekopieerd. NPK-info verschijnt ongeveer eens per week per email met Palestina-nieuws: informatie, achtergronden en nieuws over activiteiten en bijeenkomsten. NPK-info is een uitgave van het Nederlands Palestina Komitee. Meer informatie vindt u op Geen NPK-info meer ontvangen? Afmelden / Unsubscribe |