NPK-info - 03 oktober 2007
Nederlands Palestina Komitee -
NPK-info / 3-10-2007
NPK-info - Nederlands Palestina Komitee
The Second Intifada: A Palestinian Perspective, Samah Jabr, 13-12-2000
Seven Year Anniversary Leaves Little to Celebrate, 29-9-2007, MIFTAH
Barghouthi warns that Palestinians have no Israeli partner for peace, 2-10-2007 (*)
Civil Society and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Beneath the Hideous Veneer of 'Security', Jennifer Loewenstein, 27-9-2007
Quote: " ... we are currently witnessing an event almost unprecedented in the modern era:
the systematic, deliberate and long-term destruction of an entire nation. ..." 
Israel's Agenda For Ethnic Cleansing and Transfer, Victoria Buch, 25-9-2007
Quote: "...The stage for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians has been set in the
Occupied Territories, and ethnic cleansing is in progress. At present, this
is the major project of the state of Israel ..."
Why the Autumn Conference is Doomed to Failure, 1-10-2007, Nehad Ismail
Boektip (NRC 26-9-2007): Subjective Atlas of Palestine, Annelys de Vet
Zie evt. de NRC-recensie getiteld: "Ik heb respect gekregen voor Gretta".
Palestijnse kunstenaars tonen in de "Subjectieve Atlas" ander beeld van hun land.
Te onthouden speech van Verhagen bij opening ter herdenking van de Tweede Haagse Vredesconferentie in 1907
Verhagen was op 21 september, bijeenkomst vanwege de Dag van de Vrede, afwezig in het Vredespaleis (Internationaal Gerechtshof).
The proof of the pudding ....., goed dit te weten bij de epenbare MO-discussie op 10 oktober (Kamercommissie Buitenland).
NPK/WL, 3-10-2007
Israel's Actions on Ground Contradict "Goodwill" Publicity Stunts 
Ahead of November Peace Meeting

Barghouthi warns that Palestinians have no Israeli partner for peace

Palestinian National Initiative (PNI)

Ramallah, 02-10-07: Israel announced another of its "goodwill 
gestures" ahead of the US-sponsored peace meeting to be held in 
November with the release of 86 Palestinian prisoners since Monday. 
But the facts on the ground tell another story: since US President 
George Bush announced the meeting in a speech on 16 July 2007, Israel 
has killed 97 Palestinians, injured 383, arrested 1,050 and increased 
the number of checkpoints in the West Bank from 543 in August to 572 
in September.

PNI leader Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi MP underlined today that the widely 
publicised liberation of 86 prisoners is nothing but another publicity 
stunt by the Israeli government to appear full of goodwill before the 
US sponsored 'peace' conference, whilst actively sabotaging all 
prospects for peace at the same time.

Dr. Barghouthi pointed out that between 16 July and 1 October 2007, 
976 Palestinians have been arrested in the West Bank and 74 in the 
Gaza Strip, including 52 children.

This comes as the Israeli military has continued its campaign of 
killing and injuring scores of Palestinians.  From 16 July to 1 
October 2007, 97 Palestinians have been killed (18 in the West Bank; 
79 in the Gaza Strip) 12 of whom were children.  During the same 
period, some 383 Palestinians were injured (219 in the West Bank; 164 
in the Gaza Strip) including 53 children.

In yet a further illustration of its lack of commitment to real peace, 
and despite recent claims by Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak to 
Condoleeza Rice that the number of physical movement restrictions in 
the West Bank would be decreased, Dr. Barghouthi highlighted that an 
additional 29 checkpoints were put in place in the West Bank between 
August and September 2007.

Looking at the West Bank only, Dr. Barghouthi pointed out that the 
current Israeli policy claims to be to bolster the government there 
and to ease living conditions.  Yet the reality is far different, one 
where Israel is continuing its attack against the Palestinian people, 
revealing the emptiness of its words.

Dr. Barghouthi recalled that Israel's last prisoner release on 20 July 
2007, when 250 prisoners were released in another so-called "goodwill 
gesture" was also a scam, with Israel arresting more than 300 
Palestinians between the time it first talked of liberating prisoners 
and the actual liberation of the 250.  He added that Israel continues 
to hold more than 11,000 Palestinians prisoners, including 328 
children and 104 women.

Dr. Barghouthi said that when confronted with its actions on the 
ground, the Israeli discourse failed a reality check, concluding that 
there is no Israeli partner for peace.

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