NPK-info - 26 september 2007 Nederlands Palestina Komitee - NPK-info / 26-9-2007 ______________________________________________________________________
NPK-info - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / ______________________________________________________________________
Actieplan VN-conferentie 30+31/8/2007
Dr. Haider Abdel-Shafi overleden 25-9-2007
Kamervragen over Israëlische regering-verklaring dat Gazastrook “vijandig gebied” is,
Mariko Peters, 24-9-2007 (*)
Zie hierbij
Quote: ".. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ruled out a massive military operation
in the Strip for the time being, but did encourage continued assassinations of Palestinian
activists and targeted raids...."
- Dehumanizing the Palestinians, Ali Abunimah, 21-9-2007
N.B. Op 10 oktober MO-debat Kamercommissie Buitenland
Yet Another Peace Conference! Hassan Afif El-Hassan, 18-9-2007 (**)
4-10 Den Haag, ISS: Public Seminar - Palestinian Refugees and International Law: Prospects for resolving the impasse between Israel and the Palestinians.
Opmerkelijk: ABN-AMRO gaat duurzaam beleggen in Israel; merkwaardige visie op duurzaamheid. Gaat om een "bijdrage te leveren aan duurzame ontwikkeling en armoedebestrijding" ......
Boektips: - De Israel-lobby, Mearsheimer en Walt, Uitgeverij Atlas. - Overcoming Zionism, Joel Kovel Open Letter: Pluto Press Under Attack by Israel Lobby, 24-9-2007
NPK/WL, 26-9-2007 ______________________________________________________________________
(*) 2070800470 Vragen van het lid Peters (GroenLinks) aan de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken over de verklaring door de Israëlische regering van de Gazastrook tot “vijandig gebied”. (Ingezonden 24 september 2007) 1 Bent u ervan op de hoogte dat de Israëlische regering Gaza tot “vijandig gebied” heeft verklaard, en Hamas aanvullende sancties heeft opgelegd door de toevoer van brandstof en elektriciteit te verminderen, en de doorgang van mensen en goederen verder te beperken? 1) 2 Steunt u de beslissing van de Israëlische regering om Gaza tot “vijandig gebied” te verklaren en acht u dit een juiste stap in het voorgenomen vredesproces? Zo ja, waarom? Zo neen, waarom niet? 3 Deelt u de mening dat de Israëlische regering met deze maatregelen in eerste instantie de gehele bevolking van Gaza treft in plaats van de beoogde leiders en aanhangers van Hamas? Acht u dit een te rechtvaardigen beslissing? 4 Acht u de maatregelen een productieve stap in het ook door de Israëlische regering voorgenomen vredesproces? Zo ja, waarom? Zo neen, waarom niet? 5 Hoe beoordeelt u het verder beperken van de doorgang van mensen en goederen in het licht van uw antwoord op eerdere vragen waarin u stelt: “De regering is van mening dat het verbeteren van de overgangen tussen Israël en de Palestijnse Gebieden van groot belang is voor de economische ontwikkeling en de humanitaire situatie in de Palestijnse Gebieden”. 2) 6 Deelt u de mening dat deze beslissing in strijd is met de Agreement on Movement and Acces en voorbij gaat aan de herhaaldelijke oproepen van de Nederlandse regering en de Europese Unie (EU) om deze vooral na te leven? Zo neen, waarom niet? 7 Deelt u de mening dat deze beslissing indruist tegen de oproep van de Europese ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken aan alle partijen “om zich in te zetten voor de opening van grensposten van en naar Gaza voor humanitair en commercieel verkeer”. 3) 8 Bent u bereid protest aan te tekenen bij de Israëlische regering? Welke stappen dient de EU te zetten naar aanleiding van deze besluiten? Wat zal uw exacte inzet zijn tijdens de eerst volgende Raad van ministers?
9 Bent u bereid om een bijdrage te leveren aan het lenigen van de humanitaire nood in Gaza die als gevolg van deze beslissing zal toenemen? Zo ja, hoe? Zo neen, waarom niet? Acht u het te rechtvaardigen dat de EU nood lenigt die de Israëlische regering veroorzaakt? 10 Acht u de sancties die de Israëlische regering oplegt houdbaar volgens de standaarden van het international recht? Kunt u dat toelichten? 1) de Volkskrant, 20 september 2007 2) Aanhangsel Handelingen nr. 1785, vergaderjaar 2006-2007 3) Raadsconclusies naar aanleiding van de 2817e zitting van de Raad Algemene Zaken en Externe Betrekkingen te Brussel, 23 en 24 juli 2007. ______________________________________________________________________
Yet Another Peace Conference! Hassan Afif El-Hassan, 18-9-2007 Conferences, meetings, summits, initiatives and envoys became the life support of the so called peace in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since 1991. Peace is a big industry in the Middle East today, but not real peace. Ask the frustrated Palestinians standing in lines for hours at the more than 500 checkpoints and roadblocks that Israel operates in the West Bank or the expatriates stranded at the border with Egypt trying to return to their homes in Gaza. Or ask the three generations of refugees living stateless in camps. There is too much talk on confidence building between Abbas and Olmert these days, twice a month at least, but nothing on the main issues, borders, the refugees and Jerusalem. I wonder how they spend the two-hour sessions without discussing t! he issues! May be how to strangle their common enemies, those Palestinians who do not recognize the Jewish only settlements!
There are only two solutions to the conflict. One based on applying the uniform set of laws as established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter. The alternative is a solution based on military and political power where the stronger party will prevail over the weaker. Unfortunately, Israel opted for the traditional Zionist strategy of “might makes right”. Israel has continued to follow a strategy based on the notion that it must use its military power to grab Palestinian land and keep it because it can. Under Labor or Likud, the borders of Israel have been expanding by building settlements and confiscating land in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem area.
President Bush has recently proposed another peace conference to be convened in November without specifying the location, the agenda or! the goals. Why! Another conference will not bring peace. The US is the only powerful player that has influence on Israel in any dialogue that could eventually lead to a solution and the US does not need a conference to talk to Israel. President Eisenhower did not have to convene a conference when he sent a letter to Ben-Gurion demanding Israeli withdrawal from conquered Sinai after the 1956 Israeli-British-French invasion of Egypt. But, unlike Eisenhower, Bush never was an honest broker in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Washington never tried to exercise its leverage to make any substantive progress toward achieving peace based on justice during George W. Bush presidency. Bush team has undermined the moral authority of the US in its dealings with the Arab-Israeli conflict. The US sided publicly with the Israelis on the main contested issues, the refugees and the settlements. US practically have been financing the occupation and continue to defend Israel’s belligerence and its gross violations of the recognized international hu! man rights as applied to the Palestinians. Bush proposed in summer 2002 what he called “the Road Map” to peace as the best way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The plan was missing any reference to human rights or international law, the PA accepted it but Prime Minister Sharon had a total of 14 reservations about it. Israel in effect rejected the plan but the US gave private assurances that it would take the Israeli concerns into consideration in the plan implementation. Mortimer Zuckerman, editor-in-chief of US News and World Report and the chairman of the Conference of Presidents was blunt in rejecting Bush plan. He referred to it as “road map to no where”. The powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) sponsored a letter to President Bush on Capitol Hill urging him not to put pressure on Israel regarding the “Road Map”. And in the same letter, they demanded that the Palestinians must follow the ! letter of the plan “security requirements before Israel had to m ake any concessions”. Bush does not need such a letter to support Israel! He was on board. In March of 2007, the Arab League reissued a 2002 Saudi peace plan that offered Israel normal relations with all members of the Arab League if Israel withdraws from all the occupied territory including the Golan Heights. Israel rejected the main points in the initiative, namely the withdrawal from all the occupied territory and any compromise on the issue of the refugees “right of return”. As for the refugees, Prime Minister Olmert told the Jerusalem Post in March “I will not agree to any kind of responsibility for this problem. Full stop”. Instead of encouraging Olmert to embrace the proposal, Washington tried to pressure the Saudis to change the proposal because Israel did not like it. Secretary Rice counter proposal was to ask the Arabs to “begin reaching out to Israel”. She demanded that the Arabs drop clauses in the initiative pertai! ning to the right of return and withdrawal to 1967 borders. The US proposed peace conference in November comes at the peak of the campaign season in the US when the presidential candidates from both parties are “competing to see who can be most strident in defense of the Jewish State”. AIPAC power to influence elections makes it too risky for presidential candidates or members of Congress to criticize Israel’s policy toward the Palestinians. No candidate dares claiming of being even handed in dealing with the Israelis and Palestinians. Senator Hillary Clinton said before a New York chapter of AIPAC, “..Israel is a beacon of what is right in a neighborhood overshadowed by the wrongs of radicalism, extremism, despotism and terrorism.” Senator Barak Obama was attacked by pro-Israel organizations and political opponents for talking about “Palestinian suffering”. He had to explain the “suffering” that he had been talki! ng about. It was at the hands of their own Palestinian leaders not the Israelis, he said. Senator John McCain announced that “when it comes to the defense of Israel, we [the US] simply cannot compromise”. Jimmy Carter said recently that “It’s almost politically suicidal…for a member of the Congress who wants to seek re-election to take any stand that might be interpreted as anti-policy of the conservative Israeli government.” Many public figures including prominent political analysts and journalists recognized that AIPAC and other pro-Israel hardliners in the US were the principal movers behind the Iraqi war. But they avoided open public discussion about the role of the supporters of Israel in the decision to invade Iraq “for fear of being labelled anti-Semite”. Jimmy Carter said it all at the risk of being called “anti-Semite”. If there will be a conference, Abbas should not expect it to deliver a settlement the Palestinians could accept. It is time Abbas recognize his p! ower base is not in Tel Aviv or Washington even if they were the return addresses of his paycheck. His power base is the Palestinian people, including those who do not agree on his policy. If Abbas and his lieutenants are serious about peace with justice, they should seek to strengthen their stand among their own people first by having peace with their fellow political opponents rather than attending another futile so called “peace conference”. -The writer is a regular contributor to Born in Nablus, Palestine, Hasan Afif El-Hasan,Ph.D, is a political analyst and an author. He worked for 30-years in Avionics Engineering. ______________________________________________________________________ NPK-info verschijnt ongeveer eens per week per email met Palestina-nieuws: informatie, achtergronden en nieuws over activiteiten en bijeenkomsten. NPK-info is een uitgave van het Nederlands Palestina Komitee. Meer informatie vindt u op Geen NPK-info meer ontvangen? Afmelden / Unsubscribe |