NPK-info - 21 maart 2010 Nederlands Palestina Komitee - STEUN HET RECHT OP BOYCOT-ACTIES
STEUN HET RECHT OP BOYCOT-ACTIES Onderteken de online open brief en stuur door! Open letter in defence of the right to boycott Israel Steun onze Schotse Palestina-vrienden, die een bizarre aanklacht hebben gekregen vanwege een Boycot-actie. Nota Bene: dit gaat Palestina-activisten in heel Europa aan, dus ook in Nederland. Er lijkt sprake te zijn van een nieuwe taktiek, want ook elders in Europa (Frankrijk) zijn soortgelijke problemen gesignaleerd. Het is belangrijk om vanuit heel Europa een krachtig protest te laten horen! Voor achtergrondinformatie: Was Boycotting Apartheid South Africa Anti-White? NPK ------------- Urgent Action Alert - Please support the SPSC 5 5 members of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign will be in court on Monday 29 March facing bizarre charges of ‘racially aggravated conduct’ in connection with their protest at a performance by the Jerusalem Quartet in summer 2008. The charges are completely inappropriate and are clearly being brought in an effort to deter peaceful protest against Israel. Everyone - whether or not they agree that the protest against the Jerusalem Quartet was an appropriate and effective tactic - should unite in support of the SPSC 5. The more people there are in court to watch justice being done, the more likely it is that justice will be done. If you intend to come along to the court on 29 March, please let SPSC know so that we can request an adequately sized court room: Please sign the on-line letter of protest At the moment we are collecting signatures to an open letter. It would be great to have support for that from individuals as well as Palestine solidarity groups/organisations – you’ll see online who has already signed. We also have a financial appeal for donations or a loan to help cover costs of £2300. After the next court appearance on the 29th , possible after 8th April when a decision will be made about our challenge to the current charges against us, we will think about the next steps and that may well include directing protest letters to specified contacts. In the meantime it would be great to have as much support as possible for the open letter. Message from Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign On March 29th in Edinburgh Sheriff Court, five members of the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign appear to face charges of ‘racially aggravated conduct’ arising out of activities in support of the Palestinian people (1). The five interrupted a performance by ‘Distinguished IDF [Israeli army] Musicians’, and cultural ambassadors for the State of Israel, the Jerusalem Quartet, to protest the siege of Gaza, Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, and in support of the Palestinian appeal for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against institutions linked to the State of Israel. The initial charges of ‘breach of the peace’ against the 5 accused were dropped and new charges of ‘racially aggravated conduct’ were raised by the Edinburgh Procurator Fiscal in the aftermath of Israel’s attack on Gaza in December 2008/January 2009. The charges followed public statements made in early 2009 by then Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Sadiq Khan MP, on behalf of the British Government that would place certain aspects of solidarity with Palestine under the crime of racism.(2) On Monday March 29th, the Procurator Fiscal will argue that those engaged in political protest against the actions and policies of a state should be prosecuted under anti-racist legislation.
(1) For an update of the defence submissions so far visit: (2) UK in Israel, Foreign & Commonwealth Office website: (3) The Procurator Fiscal indicated on January 22nd his submission will take about one hour from 10am that morning. The PF submission will be followed by responses from Counsels representing the 5 accused. (4) Edinburgh Sheriff Court, Chambers Street: NPK-info verschijnt ongeveer eens per week per email met Palestina-nieuws: informatie, achtergronden en nieuws over activiteiten en bijeenkomsten. NPK-info is een uitgave van het Nederlands Palestina Komitee. Meer informatie vindt u op Geen NPK-info meer ontvangen? Afmelden / Unsubscribe |