NPK-info 29-07-2006 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee / www.palestina-komitee.nl
Today in Palestine! http://www.theheadlines.org

Soemoed http://www.xs4all.nl/~npk/Soemoed/Soemoed.344.htm (*)
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Demonstratie van 22-7 nogmaals (en vervolg is op komst)
Israël voert ook Amerika's oorlog, M. Aouragh en P. Brandon, Trouw 24 juli 2006

Who are the real terrorists in the Middle East? 26 July 2006, Oren Ben-Dor (*)
Israel's "New Middle East", Tanya Reinhart, 26 July 2006
The lies Israel tells itself (and we tell on its behalf), Jonathan Cook, 28 July 2006
Look who’s been kidnapped!
Stop War on Lebanon
Palestinians in Gaza Worry about Becoming the 'Forgotten War', July 28, 2006; Joshua Mitnick
NABLUS, Palestine
The Human Shields of Nazareth, Jonathan Cook, July 19, 2006


NPK/WL, 29-7-2006

(*) in bijlagen

Soemoed, jaargang 34, nummer 4 (juli - augustus 2006)

# Gegijzeld in Gaza (pp. 4-5).
# NPK- en VPK-protestacties in Den Haag en Brussel (p. 6).
# Gaza in het donker (hou ze arm!) (pp. 7-9).
# Privatisering van de apartheid in Israel (pp. 10-12).
# Oost-Jeruzalems verboden families (over stille deportatie) (pp. 13-14).
# Desinvesteren in Israel - het verhitte debat in de Verenigde Staten
tussen joden en protestanten (pp. 23-27).
# In de Palestijnse getto's van Libanon (pp. 28-31).
middenkatern: De Israel-lobby (Deel II) (pp. 15-22).


Proefabonnement op Soemoed: 3 nummers voor 10 Euro.

Aanmelden via soemoed@xs4all.nl met adresgegevens.





The Electronic Intifada's Lebanon and Gaza coverage
continues. The site has seen more than 483,000 visits and
over 2,074,000 page views since the start of Israel's
invasion of Gaza on June 27th, including 313,000 visits,
and 1,427,000 page views since Israel launched its war
against Lebanon on July 12th. Read more about the work of
the EI team in alternative media projects from the Middle
East at:

Recent media coverage, much of it focused on the voices
from the ground in Lebanon and Gaza, includes the
Washington Post, The Times (London), CBC, NRC Handelsblad
(Netherlands), Pioneer Press (MN), The Nation, and several
radio programs on both coasts of the United States and in
Canada. Read more at:


Our special section in BY TOPIC, "Israel attacks Lebanon
(12 July 2006-)" has been expanded and now offers a
variety of organized lists of all the content on
Electronic Lebanon and key resources from beyond. The main
page can be found at:

Subsections include:

Lebanon for Beginners

"Live from Lebanon" Diaries

Blogs & Views from Lebanon

Opinion, Editorial and Commentary

Audio, Podcasts & Multimedia

Human Rights and Development

International Reaction & Protest

Media Analysis and Freedom of the Press


For the main site, visit Electronic Lebanon at:

As always, our regular coverage of events in Palestine
continues at: http://electronicIntifada.net
and events in Iraq at http://electronicIraq.net

A Terrorist State like no Other

Oren Ben-Dor*

As its own citizens are being killed, Israel is, yet again, inflicting
death and destruction on Lebanon. It tries to portray this horror as
necessary for its self-defence. Indeed, the casual observer might regard
the rocket attacks on Israeli cities such as Haifa and my own home town,
Nahariya, as justifying this claim.

While states should defend their citizens, states which fail this duty
should be questioned and, if necessary, reconfigured. Israel is a state
which, instead of defending its citizens, puts all of them, Jews as well
as non-Jews, in danger.

What exactly is being defended by the violence in Gaze and Lebanon? Is
it the citizens of Israel or the nature of the Israeli state? I suggest
the latter. Israel's statehood is based on a fundamentally unjust
ideology which causes indignity and suffering for those who are
classified as non-Jewish by either a religious or ethnic test. To hide
this primordial immorality, Israel fosters an image of victimhood.
Provoking violence, consciously or unconsciously, against which one
must defend oneself is a key feature of the victim-mentality. By
perpetuating such a tragic cycle, Israel is a terrorist state like no

Many who wish to hide the immorality of the Israeli state do so by
restricting attention to the horrors of the post-1967 occupation and
talking about a two-state solution, since endorsing a Palestinian state
implicitly endorses the ideology behind a Jewish one.

The very creation of Israel required an act of terror. In 1948,
following years of creeping dispossession coupled to total lack of
empathy, most of the non-Jewish indigenous people were ethnically
cleansed from the part of Palestine which became Israel. This action was
carefully planned. Without it, no state with a Jewish majority and
character would have been possible.

Since 1948, the "Israeli Arabs", those Palestinians who avoided
expulsion, have suffered continuous discrimination. Indeed, many have
been internally displaced, ostensibly for "security reasons", but really
to acquire their lands for Jews.

The ideology of the Jewish state means that all existing and future
descendants of the Jewish people worldwide have more rights in Palestine
than the indigenous Arabs. This makes Israel unique. What other state
decrees that many of its own citizens have less stake than millions of
potential immigrants? The colonization of Palestine is also unique:
discussion of this past injustice is inadmissable lest it expose the
current immoral statehood.

Israel is hailed as a paragon of democracy in the Middle East. How does
Israel get away with its ethnocratic statehood despite its moral
resemblance to apartheid-era South Africa? Surely Holocaust memory and
Jewish longing for Eretz Israel would not be sufficient to justify
ethnic cleansing and ethnocracy? To avoid the destabilisation that
would result from ethical inquiry, the Israeli state must hide the core
problem, by nourishing a victim mentality among Israeli Jews. Further,
the narrative of Jewish victimhood must be fostered around the world.
Many non-Israeli Jews, most of whom are perfectly happy as minorities in
their respective states, willingly volunteer as missionaries of this
narrative. When they are perceived as apologists for Israeli actions
that are justified in the Jewish name, and encounter hostility, this
reaction again helps to reinforce their victim narrative.

To sustain a victim mentality among its Jewish citizens, and to preserve
an impression of victimhood among outsiders, Israel must breed
conditions for violence. Whenever prospects of violence against it
subside, Israel must do its utmost to regenerate them: the myth that it
is a peace-seeking victim which has "no partner for peace" is a key
panel in the screen with which Israel hides its primordial and
continuing immorality.

Israel's successful campaign to silence criticism of its initial and
continuing dispossession of the indigenous Palestinians leaves the
latter no option but to resort to violent resistance. In the wake of
electing Hamas - the only party which, in the eyes of Palestinians, has
not yet given up their cause - the Palestinian population of Gaza and
the West Bank were subjected to an Israeli campaign of starvation,
humiliation and violence.
The insincere "withdrawal" from Gaza, and the subsequent blockade,
ensured a chronicle of violence which, so far, includes Palestinian
firing of Kasem rockets, the capture of an Israeli soldier and the
Israeli near re-occupation of Gaza. What we witness is more hatred,
more violence from Palestinians, more humiliation and collective
punishments from Israelis - all useful reinforcement for the Israeli
victim mentality and for the sacred cow status of Israeli statehood.

The truth is that there never could have been a partition of Palestine
by ethically acceptable means. Israel was created through terror and it
needs terror to cover-up its core immorality. Whenever there is a
glimmer of stability, the state orders a targeted assassination, such as
that in Sidon which preceded the current Lebanon crisis, knowing well
that this brings not security but more violence. Israel's unilateralism
and the cycle of violence nourish one another.

Amidst the violence and despite the conventional discourse which hides
the root of this violence, actuality calls upon us to think. The more
we silence its voice, the more violently actuality is sure to speak.
In Hebrew, the word ELEM (a stunned silence resulting from oppression or
shock) is etymologically linked to the word ALIMUT (violence).
Silence about the immoral core of Israeli statehood makes us all
complicit in breeding the terrorism that threatens a catastrophe which
could tear the world apart.

* Dr. Oren Ben-Dor grew up in Israel. He teaches the philosophy of
law and political philosophy at the School of Law, University of
Southampton. okbendor@yahoo.com



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