NPK-info 24-12-2006 - Nederlands Palestina Komitee /
Today in Palestine!   http://www.theheadlines.org
Speciaal voor minister Bot in zijn nieuwe rol als kindervriend
- Remember Do’a, martyred by the Occupation on her way from school, December 21st, 2006
- Palestinian Child Fatalities
Mensenrechten en Zuid-Libanon (NMO 10-12-2006)
Pleidooi voor internationaal onderzoek (VN?) vanwege grootscheepse schending
van mensenrechten (Israelische clusterbommen, etcetera); Bot?
- The Palestinian National Initiative
Wir wollen Frieden, Gespräch mit Chaled Meschaal, 16-12-2006
Israel blocks another UN fact-finding mission, Michael F. Brown, 22 December 2006 
Israel 'blocks Tutu Gaza mission' 11 December 2006
- Israel’s Supreme Court Approves Assassinations, December 14, 2006 
".. Since September 2000, Israeli military forces have assassinated 582 Palestinians in
operations classified by Israel as “targeted killings,” including 257 innocent bystanders...."
John Berger and 93 other authors, film-makers, musicians and performers
call for a cultural boycott of Israel, Press Release, PACBI, 15 December 2006
Foundations of Civil and Political Rights in Israel and the Occupied Territories, Yvonne Schmidt
- PRCS Emergency appeal 2007
NPK/WL, 24-12-2006
Israel/Lebanon Out of all proportion - civilians bear the brunt of the war



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