Zie hierna ter herinnering, laat maar nog niet te laat!
Er gaan al enkele ABVAKABO-FNVers maar meer is zeker welkom!!

Merk op de deelname van COSATU aan deze conferentie over het verzet van Palestijnse
arbeiders tegen o.a. de bezetting.
De gelijkenis tussen Israel en apartheids-Zuid-Afrika zal vast worden verduidelijkt.
Doet De Klerk trouwens ook bij herhaling, zie o.a. dit recente artikel:
Citaat over apartheid: "...Wij wilden precies hetzelfde als wat de hele wereld nu
steunt in Israël en Palestina: het trekken van grenzen en het verdelen van land op
basis van etniciteit.... "

NPK/WL, 9-3-2006.

----- Original Message -----
From: Martial
To: info@palestinecampaign.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 5:43 PM
Subject: PSC Trade Union Conference

Dear friends in Europe

We would like to ask you to please circulate the information about the Palestine
Solidarity Campaign Trade Union and Palestine Conference on March 11th to your
members and other affiliates. This conference is a major step for trade unionists
and solidarity activists to support Palestinian workers in their daily struggles
against the Israeli occupation. With major speakers, such as Shaher Sae'd and Diana
Buttu from Palestine and Willie Madisha from COSATU, this event will provide a great
opportunity to build solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We would be extremely pleased if your organisation could send delegates to what
looks like to become a very important event in the Solidarity world.

The PSC in London will of course assist all those who need to find adequate
accommodation for the weekend of the conference. Please get in touch with me on the
contact details below. We are also looking into the possibility to organise an after
conference event on Sunday the 12th of March, where delegates from European
Solidarity groups, Trade Union representatives and our Palestinian friends will be
able to spend more time discussing practical ways of furthering solidarity between

The details of the conference, entitled "Palestinian Workers Challenging the
Occupation", in word format are below. Please contact us to receive a copy of the
leaflet in PDF format.

Please contact us should you need a registration form or any additional information.

Many thanks and best wishes.

Martial Kurtz

Conference Organiser

Tel: 02077006192





Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Trade Union Conference


Palestinian Workers Challenging the Occupation

Saturday 11 March 2006

9:30 - 5:00pm

Trades Union Congress House
Great Russell Street, London WC1

Speakers include:

Shaher Sae'd, General Secretary, Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU)

Willie Madisha, President, Congress of South African Trade Unions(COSATU)

Diana Buttu, Legal Adviser to the PLO

Keith Sonnet, Deputy General Secretary, UNISON

Barry Camfield, Assistant General Secretary, Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU)

Dr Karma Nabulsi, Nuffield College; Oxford University

Dr Daoud Abdullah, Senior Researcher; Palestinian Return Centre

His Excellency Dr Manuel Hassasian, Palestinian Delegate to the UK

Ruth Winters, President of the Fire Brigades Union

Jafar Farah, Director of Mossawa, The Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel

Billy Hayes, General Secretary; Communication Workers Union

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Abla Masrujeh, Women's Officer PGFTU

Hugh Lanning, Deputy General Secretary, PCS

And many more.

Some of the issues covered in the seminars will be:

Palestinian Workers in Israel; Refugee Rights and the right of return for
Palestinians; The Wall, Checkpoints and Palestinian Workers; Strategies for
Solidarity Campaigning, After the elections: the roadmap? And more.

Creche places must be booked with the PSC by 17th of February.


Please register with the PSC

Over the phone by credit card: 0207 700 6192

Or please send a cheque to:

Trade Union Conference Organiser

Palestine Solidarity Campaign


London WC1N 3XX





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