NPK-info 10-06-2004- Nederlands Palestina Komitee /
>> "Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem" by Issa Nakhleh
>> UN


- 37 Years of Occupation and Growing Injustice
  June 05, 2004, MIFTAH


- 11-6 Rotterdam, Presentatie " Habibi, Habibi - Gaza-dagboek"
   Zie hierna of site van Kifaia.
- 12-6 Jaarbeurs Utrecht, antimuuractie KerkinActie en ICCO
           Protestantse kerkendag in Utrecht; zie sites organisaties.
- 26-6 Amsterdam demonstratie tegen bezettingen Irak en Palestina
           Vrijheid voor Palestina conform internationaal recht [*].
           Zie NPK-site


NPK/WL, 10-6-2004


[*] Former Mideast envoy Zinni: U.S. went to war in Iraq to help Israel


"Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem" by Issa Nakhleh


Press release:


Major reference work on Palestine


Now available on the internet: The most detailed presentation of the
Palestine problem. Originally published in 1991 the two volume "Encyclopedia
of the Palestine Problem" is available under


Anyone still believing the myth of the "evil Palestinians" and the "poor
suffering Israelis" will have to revise his position after reading the book.
Murder, usurpation, terrorism, destruction of agricultural possessions,
elimination of villages, rape and torture .... -the "Encyclopedia of the
Palestine Problem" shows in shocking detail the fate of a people whose voice
is heard but whom not many seem to listen to.


In his forward John Quigley, Professor of International Law, writes: "The
consequences of Mr. Nakhleh's analysis are serious. If the government of
Israel has committed even a fraction of the international crimes he
describes, then virtually every high official in Israel from 1948 to the
present is subject to prosecution as a war criminal."


Francis A. Bolye, Professor of International Law, states: "It must be read
in order to comprehend the enormous sense of historical injustice that has
been felt and lived by the Palestinian people for over the past for decades.
These grave injustices must be rectified before there can ever be some
modicum of peace in the middle East for anyone."


Detailed references to the many different sources, from eye witness accounts
to United Nations  documentation and reports from the Public Record Office
in London, show the enormous work of fact finding which has gone into the
writing of the encyclopedia.


Palestinians do not have such a smooth public relations machine as the
Israeli government can afford. However, Palestinians can point to facts -
facts which are easily forgotten in the daily dealings with the Palestine




The author:  ISSA NAKHLEH was a Palestinian Christian, born in the
Shepherd's Field in Palestine. He was a graduate of the London University
(LL.B. ) and a Barrister at Law of the on our able Society of Lincoln's Inn,
London. He was a member of the Palestine Bar and a member of many Bar
associations in the Arab World.


He represented the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine in New York City
1947-1948. He was a Representative of The League of Arab States in Latin
America, with an office in Buenos Aires, Argentina 1956-1957, with the rank
of Minister Plenipotentiary.


For the last 40 years Issa Nakhleh was representing the Arab Higher
Committee for Palestine in New York City. He attended more than forty
sessions of the United Nations General Assembly and made more than fifty
speeches in the Special Political Committee of the United Nations on the
Problem of Palestine.


The internet editor: Tom Voltz met Issa Nakhleh fifteen years ago in
Switzerland. With permission of Mrs. Nakhleh he publishes the encyclopedia.
the publication has not received any external funding, access is free of


Tom Voltz
Apt. #41
07340 Alaro/Baleares


Habibi, Habibi


Graag brengen wij het onder uw aandacht én nodigen wij u uit voor vrijdag 11
juni aanstaande: dan zal Anja Meulenbelt - u bekend van Stichting Kifaia -
haar nieuwe boek presenteren in Boekhandel Donner in Rotterdam:  'Habibi,
Habibi '   (vertaald: 'Liefje, Liefje')


Habibi, Habibi verhaalt van het alledaagse leven van gewone en minder gewone
mensen in de Gazastrook.
We maken kennis met de chauffeur Rommel - die voor de tweede keer trouwt
zonder het zijn eerste vrouw te vertellen; met Dalia - die opnieuw zwanger
is; met Ramadan - die alleen woont maar geen moment alleen is, en met de
Palestijnse intellectueel dr. Haider die treurt om een vermoorde joodse


Aan de hand van dagboekfragmenten en foto's schetst Anja het leven in een
klein, overbevolkt en bezet land dat steeds verder wordt ingesloten door een
onneembare muur. En Anja zal over haar eigen ervaringen in Gaza vertellen.


Voor liefhebbers signeert zij het boek.


Ook zal Max Wieselmann spreken, als voorzitter van Een Ander Joods Geluid en
lid van het aanbevelingscomité van Stichting Kifaia.
De boekpresentatie is georganiseerd door COS Rijnmond & Midden Holland
(Centrum voor Internationale Samenwerking) in samenwerking met Boekhandel
Donner en uitgeverij Veen Magazines.


U bent van harte welkom !


Datum:     vrijdag 11 juni 2004
Locatie:    Boekhandel Donner, Lijnbaan 150, Rotterdam
Aanvang: 16.00 uur (inloop vanaf 15.30 uur)


Met vriendelijke groet,
Helma Kloosterman, vrijwillig medewerker van Stichting Kifaia.



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