NPK-info 04-02-2004- Nederlands Palestina Komitee /
TV-tip: 4-2 België 2 om 22.30 uur: De kinderen van Arna
Anti-muurbijeenkomst 11-2 te Delft, Brabantse Turfmarkt 9
Zaal open 19.30 uur - begin om 20.00 uur
Sprekers Ibrahim Al-Baz, Hajo Meyer [EAJG], Guus Hoelen en Victor De Currea-Lugo [PENGON]
Diverse berichten
- Have mercy on our children, Gideon Levy
- Violent invasions, extrajudicial killings, and suicide bombings
  Mika Minio-Paluello, 25 January 2004
- In Gaza, Israeli brutality on display daily
- Weekly Report on Human Rights Violations: 22-28 January 2004
  Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 January 2004
The wall
- Politics Clouding Humanity, January 31, 2004 
- This month, the Wall will have its legality assessed by
  the International Court of Justice. For more information, see
- http://electronicintifada.net/bytopic/apartheidwall.shtml
Hierna: BADIL Press Release 29 January 2004
NPK/WL, 4-2-2004
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency
and Refugee Rights

Press Release E4/04
29 January 2004

Third BADIL newspaper supplement
reaches some 30,000 Palestinian households

BADIL's Arabic-language magazine, Haq Al-Awda
(Right of Return), printed and distributed as a
supplement to the Ramallah daily paper Al-Ayyam
has been distributed to some 30,000 households
in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

This is the third such supplement prepared by
BADIL and distributed via the local press.
Additional copies are available from BADIL in
Bethlehem and an electronic copy is on BADIL's
web site www.badil.org

Begun as a pilot project in 2003, the newspaper
supplements have been a success on every level. 
Earlier editions have sold out and due to strong
demand, additional copies have been reprinted. 
More than 70,000 supplements, instead of the
60,000 originally planned, were printed of the
first two editions.

The current 24-page issue includes public
reaction to the Geneva Accords; a BADIL study of
Peace Agreements over the past decade showing
how they contain provisions for human rights,
refugee rights and a role for public
participation in making and enforcing the
agreements; and a report on a recent BADIL fact-
finding visit to South Africa that studied the
process of land restitution and reconciliation
in the post-Apartheid era.  This edition also
covers BADIL activities over the past few months
including the 4th annual meeting of the
Palestinian Right of Return Coalition (London,
November 2003), and the BADIL Expert Forum in
Ghent, Belgium on the role of international law
in peacemaking and crafting durable solutions
for Palestinian refugees (May 2003).
Haq Al-Awda also carries an interview with Eitan
Bronstein, Director of the Israeli Zochrot
organization which seeks to raise awareness
within Israel of the Palestinian refugee issue
and Israel's role in creating the refugee
problem; the conclusions of the Joint British
Parliamentary inquiry on Palestinian refugees
plus field reports from Kalandia, Rafah and
Tulkarem refugee camps.

The BADIL Center for Palestinian Residency and
Refugee Rights takes a rights-based approach to
the Palestinian refugee issue; promotes research
into all aspects of Palestinian residency and
refugee rights and encourages Palestinian
community participation in the peace making
process.  The BADIL Arabic-language newspaper
supplements are part of BADIL's efforts to
provide information on refugee rights and
encourage community participation.

Badil-english is a dissemination list of BADIL Resource
Center. All communication with BADIL should be addressed
to: info@badil.org

In order to subscribe to this list, please send an empty
message to: badil-english-subscribe@p-ol.com
If you wish to un-subscribe, please send an empty message
to: badil-english-unsubscribe@p-ol.com

BADIL Resource Center aims to provide a resource pool
of alternative, critical and progressive information on the
question of Palestinian refugees in our quest to achieve
a just and lasting soluton for exiled Palestinians based
on their right of return.

PO Box 728, Bethlehem, Palestine;
Email: info@badil.org;
Website: www.badil.org;
Telephone/Fax: 02-2747346
>From outside of Palestine: 972-2-2747346
Badil-english mailing list




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