NPK-info - Nederlands Palestina Komitee 
19 juni 2003 

abonnement op NPK-info


Velen vroegen 5 juni Kamerleden Nederlandse om sancties tegen Israel vanwege 36 jaar bezetting.

Graag doorzetten tot de Kamervakantie eind volgende week [adressen op]

Ter inspiratie onderstaand bericht: Opinion of the first president of the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia: The assassinations are war crimes, 17-6-2003.

Er is plek vrij in Scheveningen dicht bij het Strafhof.


Hierna persbericht en verzoek om steun! 



- Stop All Attacks on Palestine Medical Relief Staff and Services

- PRCS/Rode Kruis in Palestina
- Alarm Internationale Rode Kruis
- Casualties continue to mount; press freedom violations in Israeli/Palestinian conflict
  June 14, 2003, by International Press Institute (IPI)
- MIFTAH's Intifada Report
  Statistics and numbers documented
  September 28th, 2000 - May 10, 2003

Ter attentie

- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons 2002


Chronology of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, June 17, 2003, MIFTAH


NPK/WL, 19-6-2003



PRESS RELEASE  - for immediate release

Tuesday, 17 June 2003

Gretta Duisenberg takes medical delegation to Palestine


On June 23, a medical delegation consisting of five physicians from the Netherlands and Belgium, will travel to the West Bank and Gaza accompanied by Gretta Duisenberg, chairperson of the Dutch action committee ‘Stop the Occupation’. Mrs. Duisenberg, wife of the President of the European Central Bank, is known internationally for her efforts in solidarity with Palestinian human rights, and received the 2002 award of the Belgian Human Rights League.


The delegation, under the name “Medical Fact Finding Mission Palestine”, is organized by Stop the Occupation, in collaboration with Medical Aid for the Third World, Doctors for Peace, the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees, the Flemish Action Platform Palestine and the Centre for Development, Documentation en Information Palestinians.


The five physicians travelling with the mission are Tariq Shadid (general surgeon) and Henri van de Vall (internist), both from the Netherlands, and Guido van Ham (internist/virologist), Colette Moulaert (pediatrician), and Sofie Blancke (family and tropical medicine) from Belgium. Dr. Mustapha Barghouthi, president of UPMRC, will help coordinate the mission from within the territories.


The goal of this medical delegation is to collect information about the current condition of health care in the Palestinian territories, which reportedly is suffering from great difficulties under Israeli occupation. The numerous road blocks separating inhabited areas from each other have often hampered medical aid to individuals, leading to sometimes fatal delays in treatment. Also, the local economy has been damaged so extensively, that malnutrition has affected the health situation of people in many areas, especially children and elderly people.

Also, there have been numerous reports of shootings of medical personnel, ambulances and hospitals, sometimes resulting in fatal injuries.


The delegation will visit hospitals, health centres and refugee camps, to try to obtain a comprehensive image of the extent of the damage, and attempt to point out the causes of these problems.


The report, which will be made up after the visit, will be presented to David Byrne, the Commissioner of Health and Consumer Protection of the European Union, as well as to the European Parliament and the governments of the Netherlands and Belgium.


For additional information, please contact


Henri van de Vall, MD, The Netherlands



Anne van Mackelenberg, MD, Belgium

Tel: +32- 486 21 90 17



----- Original Message -----
From: Tariq Shadid
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:07 PM
Subject: Gaarne doorsturen: Medical Fact Finding Mission Palestine



Zoals U via de pers waarschijnlijk reeds hebt vernomen, zal aanstaande maandag 23 juni 2003, een medische delegatie van Belgische en Nederlandse artsen naar de Westelijke Jordaanoever en Gaza afreizen. Deze reis is georganiseerd door Stop de Bezetting, onder leiding van Gretta Duisenberg, in samenwerking met verschillende organisaties, te weten Geneeskunde voor de Derde Wereld, Artsen voor Vrede (Vlaamse Divisie van International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War), het Vlaams Aktie Platform Palestina en het CODIP (Centrum voor Ontwikkeling, Documentatie en Informatie Palestijnen).


De situatie in de bezette gebieden is nu zo ernstig, dat bijna om de andere dag medische organisaties een noodkreet laten horen via persberichten. Hieronder volgen enkele voorbeelden van dergelijke publicaties, waarbij de oproep van het Internationale Rode Kruis extra aandacht verdient.


Uw steun is noodzakelijk, aangezien de Israëlische immuniteit iedere vorm van verbetering in de wegstaat. De straffeloosheid, waarmee Israël dergelijke basale mensenrechten durft aan te tasten,  is de voornaamste oorzaak, waarom Israël haar politiek van systematische ondermijning van de Palestijnse burgerbevolking tot op de dag van vandaag onverminderd voortzet.


Er zijn sterke aanwijzingen dat er sprake is van moedwillige beschadiging van de gezondheidszorg, getuige de vele voorbeelden van aanslagen met automatische geweren op ambulances door het Israëlische leger, vaak met dodelijke afloop van ambulancepersoneel en artsen. Door de afsluitingen, waarbij ook ernstig zieken op checkpoints worden tegengehouden,  is 70 % van de bevolking regelmatig weken- tot maandenlang verstoken van ziekenhuiszorg.


Door zelf naar de rampgebieden te gaan hopen wij de aandacht van de massamedia, die gewend zijn Israëlisch leed veel groter in beeld te brengen dan Palestijns leed, te richten naar de massale mensenrechtenschendingen van het Israëlische leger jegens de Palestijnse bevolking. Na terugkeer zullen wij ons rapport indienen bij de Minister van Gezondheid van de Europese Unie, David Byrne, en aan de ministeries voor de gezondheidszorg van alle Europese landen.


Naast Gretta Duisenberg bestaat de missie uit Tariq Shadid, chirurg en coordinator van de missie, Henri van de Vall, internist en perscoordinator, Prof. Guido van Ham uit Antwerpen, internist, Colette Moulaert, kinderarts uit Charleroi, en Sofie Blancke, huisarts/tropenarts uit Antwerpen.


Hoe u kunt helpen


1. Door in de komende dagen de media goed in de gaten te houden, en af en toe op langs te gaan, zult de gebeurtenissen rond de missie goed kunnen volgen, dankzij onze persberichten en andere actuele publicaties. Doet u dit, dan fungeert ook u als wakend oog, want het ligt voor de hand dat de Israëlische autoriteiten pogingen zullen ondernemen om de missie te saboteren. Vooral het terugsturen van (delen van) delegaties van hulporganisaties behoort tot veel door hen toegepaste tactieken, zoals recent in de media gebleken is.


2. Indien dit gebeurt, dan rekenen wij ook op u om zich hierover kritisch uit te laten, aangezien u het er wel mee eens zult zijn, dat we niet eeuwig kunnen blijven toestaan dat Israël hulporganisaties blijft weigeren.


3. Door deze mail aan al uw kennissen door te sturen, helpt u de alertheid van het Nederlandse en Belgische publiek te verhogen, en nemen de kansen toe dat het blokkeren van medische zorg door de Israëlische autoriteiten in ieder geval op protest stuit.


4. Door de bij deze mail behorende banner [*] aan mensen te sturen, van wie u weet dat ze websitebeheerder zijn, en ze vragen deze banner te linken naar , kunt u helpen steun te genereren voor dit humanitaire project. De banner bestaat in twee talen, in het Engels en in het Nederlands.


5. Het kan zijn, dat wij via de media een beroep op u zullen doen, om ruchtbaarheid te geven aan een eventuele blokkade van onze medische missie. Wij hopen dat u hier vervolgens op zult reageren.


6. Uw morele steun is het belangrijkst. Desondanks kost een reis als deze veel geld, en is daarom uw financiele steun ook welkom. Maak, indien u ons op deze directe wijze wilt ondersteunen, een bedrag naar eigen keuze over naar:


GIRONUMMER: 93 57 819

t.n.v. Stop de Bezetting Haarlem

o.v.v. “Medische Missie”


Leden van de pers kunnen meer informatie aanvragen via



Alarmkreet Internationale Rode Kruis





Eerste Persbericht Medical Fact Finding Mission Palestine


Urgent Appeals van UPMRC


Projecten van het Rode Kruis in Palestina!Open


Defence for Children International


Children’s Statistics


Gretta Duisenberg’s Fact Finding Mission to Investigate Medical and Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine


Nuttige Links


Stop de Bezetting

Geneeskunde voor de Derde Wereld

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees

The Musical Intifadah

Het lied “de Vlag”

The Palestine Chronicle


[*] niet bijgevoegd, komt apart



-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Lawsociety []
Verzonden: donderdag 19 juni 2003 12:08
Onderwerp: Opinion of the first president of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: The assassinations are war crimes

Opinion of the first president of the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia: The assassinations are war crimes 
Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Opinion of the first president of the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia and world renowned expert on International
Humanitarian Law, Professor Antonio Cassese determines: The
assassinations are war crimes 

The expert opinion will be submitted to the High Court of Justice
tomorrow, June 18, prior to the hearing scheduled for July 18, 2003 on
the petition submitted by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
and LAW-The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and
the Environment against Israel's assassination policy

In an opinion, unprecedented for its severity, Professor Antonio Cassese,
renowned expert on international humanitarian law, determines that the
assassinations carried out by the IDF in the Occupied Territories could
be included in the legal definition of war crimes. Professor Cassese's
opinion will be submitted tomorrow to the High Court of Justice prior to
the hearing scheduled for July 8, 2003 on the petition filed by LAW-The
Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the
Environment and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI). 

Attorneys Avigdor Feldman and Michael Sfard filed the petition in January
2002. The panel of justices appointed to hear the petition is considered
the most senior at the High Court of Justice and includes Chief Justice
Aharon Barak and the Justices Theodore Or and Eliyahu Matza. The court
has already rejected the State's claim that the assassinations are not
actionable. At the next hearing, which will be held after repeated
postponements by the State, the Court will hear the petitioners' request
for an interim injunction prohibiting assassinations until a decision on
the petition is handed down. The petition claims that between the
beginning of the Intifada and until April 2003 the IDF assassinated over
230 Palestinians, among them 80 innocent children, women and male

In his 20-page opinion, Professor Antonio Cassese states that the killing
of civilians suspected of terrorist activities, if not carried out while
they are directly engaged in these activities, is a blatant violation of
one of the most fundamental tenets of international law - the obligation
of warring sides to distinguish between combatants and civilians.
Professor Cassese opinion is considered unprecedented in its severity due
to the fact that he is considered a world renowned expert in
International Humanitarian Law and his prestige among international
experts in the field.

Professor Antonio Cassese served as a justice on the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the years 1993-2000 and
was the tribunal's first president until 1997. In 2002 he was awarded an
international prize by the International Academy for Culture, which is
headed by Noble Prize winner Eli Weizel. The prize was awarded to
Professor Cassese in honor of his "exceptional contribution to the
protection of human rights in Europe and in the world". He is a world-
respected lecturer at several universities, among them the universities
in Florence, Rotterdam, the Sorbonne and the University of Paris. He was
a member of the UN Human Rights Commission and served as the president of
the European Council's Committee on Torture. He is the author of many
authoritative books and articles in the field of International
Humanitarian Law.

PCATI and LAW state that Professor Cassese's detailed opinion affirms
that Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories is in complete
violation of the principles of ethics and justice as reflected under
international law. The organizations state "The large numbers of
complaints which daily accumulate in the organizations' offices on the
severe violations of the rights of Palestinians are a testimony to the
fact that the army has long ago stopped dealing solely with the defense
of the security of Israel. The army and Israeli security forces are daily
involved in violations of international law including assassinations,
torture and severe physical and psychological violations of Palestinians.
These actions do not prevent war, they create it". 

For additional details please call:

Attorney Michael Sfard
Tel: 03-5608833

Dianne Luping, LAW
Tel: 02-5833430, 055-761847

Hannah Friedman, PCATI
Tel: 02-5630073, 056-556442

LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the
Environment is a non-governmental organization dedicated to preserving
human rights through legal advocacy. LAW is affiliate to the
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), the International Federation
for Human Rights (FIDH), and the World Organization Against Torture
LAW - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the
Environment, PO Box 20873, Jerusalem, tel. +972-2-5833530, fax. +972-2-



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